
2011년 3월 31일 목요일

일본 원전 복구 노동자 목숨 위험 4월 1일 - Japan's nuke crisis worsened as of April 1.

Fukushima Nuke Workers Expect to Die

The workers at Japan's stricken nuclear power plant — known as the Fukushima 50
 — expect some of them will die within weeks or months, the mother of one has reportedly said.

Tokyo Electric Power Co,the power company, said Friday that radiation leaking from the plant 
had seeped into groundwater beneath the site.
The leak is an indicator of how far TEPCO is from stabilizing the dangerously overheating 
reactors after cooling systems were knocked out in the March 11 tsunami.
Earlier this week, a Japanese minister conceded there was no end in sight to the crisis, 
although some of the world's largest cement pumps are being sent to Japan 
initially to pump water but then to possibly entomb the site as was done in Chernobyl.
The so-called Fukushima 50, who actually are a group of about 300 people who have been 
working in shifts of 50, have become heroes in Japan and are known as atomic "samurai."
Speaking to Fox News by phone via an interpreter, the mother of a 32-year-old worker said 
her son had told her they must have been exposed to lethal doses of radiation.
"My son and his colleagues have discussed it at length and they have committed themselves 
to die if necessary to save the nation," she said. Fox News said she was tearful as she spoke.
"He told me they have accepted they will all probably die from radiation sickness in the short term
or cancer in the long-term," she added.
"They have concluded between themselves that it is inevitable some of them may die within 
weeks or months. They know it is impossible for them not to have been exposed to 
lethal doses of radiation," she said.

In graphics: Fukushima nuclear alert

Japan quake: Tremor timeline

Hundreds of aftershocks have continued to shake Japan, days after 
the massive magnitude 9 earthquake that triggered a devastating tsunami 
on Friday, 11 March.
Press the play button or use the slider to see the spread, size and 
frequency of earthquakes in Japan greater than magnitude 5 since 10 March.

Animated guide: Tsunamis

Animated guide: Earthquakes

Status of Damage by Earthquake as of April 1, 2011   
(地震被害の全貌〉主な  被害状況=2011年4月1日
被災者 數: Number of Victim        死亡: Death      安否不明: Missing        避難: Shelter写真

Status of 6 Reactors of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 
as of March 31, 2011 〈事故の最新情報〉福島第一原発の状況 写真

Emperor and empress have a talk with evacuees in Budokan shelter in Tokyo          

 In Miyato town, many fishing ships ended up left in the downtown after drifted away by tsunami
Children of Ishimaki posted an appreciation note to the rescuer's efforts on the fence of their home in Ishimaki.
救助隊のみなさんに感謝 石巻の子ら、自宅の塀に張り紙。左から村松彩さん、
Students of Sakamoto junior high school rode bicycles to home through the rubble-filled road devastated
by tsunami. As class rooms and gymnasium are used for a makeshift evacuation center, it is not decided
when the new semester will begin.
始まる日は決まっていない=30日午後0時17分 2011年3月31日 朝刊 
Two girls are sorting out the delivered ransels.
山本奈朱香撮影 2011年3月31日 
Katsuyuki Takahashi stands behind the portraits of his parents and aunt that he recovered from 
a destroyed family house in Kesennuma, March 31.
Japanese tsunami victims wait in line for food, rice and toilet paper distributed by Japanese Self Defense Forces 
in Yamada city, Iwate prefecture, March 31.
Fukushima Prefectural officers collect soil samples to check for radiation contamination at a rice paddy 
in Kunimimachi, northern Japan Thursday, March 31.
 A river of debris is seen between destroyed houses in Kesennuma City
A man stands amidst the destruction in Kesennuma City 
Tohoku Japan Earthquake-Activity of Japan Military

Digest of TV Station live-air the Moments of Tsunami Attack

Live Broadcast Tsunami Hit Miyaco

Japan's Emperor Tours Evacuation Center

Tsunami Destroys Japan Fortress Town, Taro

Students Honored amid Quake Heartache

Japan's Scenic Route 45 Becomes Road of Loss

 A survivor walks in dust and sand blown up by heavy winds in Rikuzentakata, Iwate prefecture

Smoke rises from houses damaged by an earthquake and tsunami in Sendai

People who evacuated from Futaba, a city near the quake-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, rest in a space cordoned off with cardboard in a hallway at the evacuees' new shelter Saitama Super Arena, near Tokyo About 2,300 people mainly from Futaba area arrived in Saitama, about 250 km (155 miles) away from their hometown, to evacuate after radiation leakage warnings

People who evacuated from Futaba, a city near the quake-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, rest in a hallway at the evacuees' new shelter Saitama Super Arena, near Tokyo

Vehicles and boats float with rubble in flood waters near the coastal town of Sendai after the earthquake and tsunami that devastated the region,

An area devastated by last week's earthquake and tsunami is reflected on a street flooded during the high tide in Kesennuma, north Japan,

 A man reacts as he finds his wife (L) and child at the Red Cross hospital after they were separated by earthquake and tsunami, in Ishinomaki, northern Japan

 A man walks among debris in the destroyed Kamaishi village, Iwate Prefecture

 A survivor weeps as she looks at a board showing the names of other survivors at a shelter in a village ruined by an earthquake and tsunami, in Rikuzentakata in Iwate prefecture

Japanese soldiers carry out a body from the wreckage.

Damage at the public hospital in Otsuchi

A clock stopped at  Otsuchi public hospital.

A relief depot, set up at what was once a fresh food wholesale market.

A resident looks at debris as she walks at a port of a village hit by an earthquake and tsunami in Otsuchi

Japanese fire fighters lower the body of a victim from a two-story house at a village that was destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami, in Kamaishi, 

 The body of a boy victim is covered by a blanket at a village destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in Rikuzentakata in Iwate prefecture

 A man takes a rest while collecting his belongings from his destroyed residence in Minamisanriku town
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A torn page with headshots of students from a class photo album lies on mud outside the tsunami-hit Okawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan, March 29, 2011. Only 34 students out of a total of 108 survived the disaster
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Elementary school children's bags are seen gathered near the Okawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, northeastern Japan, March 28, 2011. 
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Items retrieved by firemen from the ruins are left by a road in Rikuzentakata, March 29, 2011. 
The Calamity of Japan's 9.0-Magnitude Quake<br />The country reels after a catastrophic earthquake rocked its northeastern coast on March 11, 2011
A firetruck stops in front a shipping vessel damaged by the tsunami in Onagawa, Miyagi prefecture.
The Calamity of Japan's 9.0-Magnitude Quake<br />The country reels after a catastrophic earthquake rocked its northeastern coast on March 11, 2011
A baby just a couple of weeks old gets tested for possible nuclear radiation at a shelter in Koriyama, Fukushima prefecture on March 31, 2011.
Japan, earthquake, Fukushima
The plant was supposed to be protected from the forces of the ocean by a series of seawalls, which were ineffective in stopping the giant tsunami that followed the quake. The water disabled the diesel generators that are crucial to maintaining power to the reactors' cooling systems.
Japan, earthquake, Fukushima
Reactor No.3: Black smoke rises from the damaged reactor. When a similar plume appeared earlier in the day, workers were evacuated from the plant, though radiation levels around the facility were reported unchanged.
A fire truck sprays water on earthquake-damaged reactor No. 3 on March 18, as the spent nuclear fuel pool inside the reactor building approacheded dangerously high levels, leading to fears of an explosion that could send radioactive matter into the air.

Driving through devastation, en route to Sendai, where about 5,000 buildings have been swept away

In the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami, the scenery is rife with destruction.

Many areas of the seaside town of Onagawa, which was leveled by Japan’s quake and tsunami, remained under water and inaccessible as rescue crews and survivors started to pick through the remnants of their homes, offices, and schools.
When the wave—a wall of water nearly 100 feet high—hit this once-picturesque village, it tossed cars like toys onto the tops of buildings and flooded three floors of the local hospital, built on seemingly safe high ground.
Mercifully, a nearby nuclear reactor escaped destruction. But elsewhere a nuclear crisis was brewing: at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant, workers tried desperately to cool four overheating reactors, which were damaged by a loss of power in the wake of the tsunami. Experts feared that the reactors’ fuel rods may have been exposed, precipitating warnings of total meltdown and leading to an evacuation of the surrounding areas.
The Calamity of Japan's 9.0-Magnitude Quake<br />The country reels after a catastrophic earthquake rocked its northeastern coast on March 11, 2011
Vehicles and debris float above a rice field flooded with tsunami water in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi prefecture on March 31, 2011.
Tsunami Survivors Come Home

Quake Victims Soak in Royal Bath

Hundreds in Japan Anti-Nuclear March

World's Costliest Natural Disaster

New House Saves Tsunami Survivor

The moon rises over a village destroyed by an earthquake and tsunami a week ago in Ofunato.

Workers of an electric power company check damages around a house tumbled by the tsunami in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, March 31.

Workers set up a solar power system for a temporary office building in the town of Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, March 31.

Japanese Coast Guard divers climb up the hill after completing a search and recovery operation of tsunami victims off the Sanriku Coast near the coastal city of Rikuzentakata, Miyagi prefecture, March 31.

Elementary school children look for their belongings after school supplies were found near their school in Ishinomaki city on March 31.

Shoheya found the album with photos taken by relatives amid debris and tried to clean them as good as possible. 小室邦子さんは、がれきの中に親族が写っている写真を発見し、泥で汚れたアルバムを必死にぬぐっていた=22日午後2時3分、宮城県石巻市


New power poles are erected as the recovery works are under way.  復旧作業が進み、真新しい電柱が並んでいた=27日、宮城県南三陸町


People from Ukraina and America were among the volunteers in Sendai. Onischen from Ukraina, center, who has lived for nine years in Japan, said "I want to do  something for Japan in return for what I  had so far." 台市宮城野区のボランティアセンターにはウクライナ人や米国人の姿もあった。ウクライナ人で日本在住9年のオニスチェンコさん(中央)は「日本にお返しをしたい。何かしてあげたい」と話した=26日


Firefighters of No.1 squad of Otsuchi in Iwate Prefecture with the backgound of seawall which was demolished and lost by tsunami.  岩手県大槌町の消防団第一分団員たち。左後方にあった防潮堤は消えてなくなった=21日午後


The freshmen and sophomores of Otsuchi high school made their first visit to school since the earthquake disater. Oda, center, who is a sophomore member of archery team, knew the death of her coach a few days before. A teacher who once served as an advisor for the team gave her warm hug. 大槌高校の1、2年生は震災後初の登校日。弓道部に所属する2年生の田代文莉さん(中央)は、親しかったコーチが亡くなったことを数日前に知った。以前同部の顧問を務めていた教師は彼女をそっと抱きしめた=28日午前、岩手県大槌町


Seniors of a junior high school sing together a song called 'Michi' or 'road' in English in a commencement ceremony in Minamisanrikucho. 卒業式で「道」を合唱する志津川中学校の3年生たち=28日午後4時35分、宮城県南三陸町志津川


Dakahashi and Seiko gaze the scene of the road full with debris and wreckage, where their home located. 自宅のある街ががれきの山となった様子を見つめる(手前から)高橋春樹君と正子さん、優也君(奥)=28日午後1時16分、宮城県東松島市


Cars wait in line for gas station. When they finish the tickets for distribution of gasoline at hand, they hold high a sign reading 'sold out'.ガソリンスタンドに並ぶ車。在庫分の整理券配布が終わると、最後尾に「完売」と掲げられた=30日午後2時35分、仙台市太白区


They take to the dump area the raw milk shed into the bucket of trackter. Dairy farmers had no other way but to dump their milk due to radiation contamination.      トラクターのバケットに原乳を移して廃棄場所に運ぶ。宮城県でも酪農家が廃棄を余儀なくされた=26日、宮城県七ケ宿町


Kirin Beer Factory was destroyed by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunam. Beer barrals and all the debris were scattered all over the entrance area.                        東日本大震災で被災したキリンビール仙台工場 。入り口周辺には、流されたビールのたるなどが散乱していた=21日、仙台市宮城野。 31日朝刊


Exterior of Credit Union of Kesennuma was damaged by tsunami.  Local credit unions, whose work is to meet the demand of money,  also had tremendous loss.   津波被害を受けた気仙沼の信用金庫の外観。被災企業の資金需要に応える地元の信用金庫も大きな被害を受けた=28日、気仙沼市 江渕崇撮影 2011年3月31日 朝刊


View of a sea direction from the remote area of Otobe town, which was totally demolished by tsunam. All the buildings are destroyed by the tsunami which came over the seawall. Overturned ship is buried amid debris. 津波で壊滅した岩手・宮古の音部里集落。集落の奥から海の方を望む。防潮堤(奥)を越えてきた津波で建物はみな破壊され、ひっくり返った船が、がれきに埋もれていた=27日午後、岩手県宮古市の音部里(おとべさと)集落

Japan Tries to Steer Back to Normal

High Level of Radiation Found Outside Evacuation Zone in Japan

Setback Mount at Japanese Nuclear Plant

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A man walks next to port area destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in Kessenuma town
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Vehicles sit atop a devastated home for elderly people in Yamada, Iwate Prefecture, March 28, 2011. 
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A man walks with his dog at a destroyed residential area of Kesennuma
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A destroyed landscape is pictured in Otsuchi town, Iwate Prefecture in northern Japan, March 14, 2011.
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People ride bicycles amidst debris of buildings in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture,
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An aerial view of remaining apartment buildings in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture

Rescue workers search for victims in Tamura village, Iwate Prefecture

A tugboat sits among debris in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture,

Rescue workers search for victims in the rubble in Rikuzentakata

 Hiroshi Murayama, 82, walks past ships that were washed to shore in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, at Otsu port in Kitaibaraki, Ibaraki prefecture,

The body of a victim is seen covered at a village destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in Rikuzentakata

 Women walk on a street of Tokyo's Ginza shopping district 

Bangkok-based photographer Damir Sagolj “What fascinates me is the way ordinary Japanese are reacting to this catastrophe. After all the tragedies I have covered in my career, I must say that this one is very special: no looting, no fight for food, fuel or place in shelters (though they need them, it is cold and they are hungry). They wait in lines that are kilometres long for fuel as if they are on a promenade and will chat with others while waiting for ice cream. I panic when my vehicle has only half of tank! The other day in one of the shelters a woman returned a piece of clothing she received earlier from aid workers. The jacket was too big for her daughter and she folded it back and returned to the distribution centre. She could have kept it and maybe sell or exchange it for something else she needs. But, not in Japan; it’s fascinating, the order and discipline of people experiencing the worst days of their lives. There are no tears and no screaming in front of our lenses, just a silent grief. I don't know where this calmness comes from. What in their culture or history makes them so special? I don't even know is it good or bad. Can they really process all the sorrow without venting it with tears? I'm so impressed by their behavior and power to stay cool in such a situation that it feels really stupid to write how cold I was sleeping outside while covering this story. Or to talk about whatever happens or will happen while here, before boarding planes to take us back to the comfort of our homes.” 

 A Japanese woman breaks down in tears after her relative died in a Japanese Red Cross hospital after being evacuated from the area hit by tsunami in Ishinomaki

 Survivors walk through a flooded street searching for their belongings at high tide, in the destroyed residential area of Kesennuma after the town was devastated by earthquake and tsunami.

 People whose homes were destroyed by the tsunami take a bath in a tent set up by Japan's Self Defense Force in Kamaishi 

Owada Yuna carries her three-year-old sister Yumeka as she searches for names of her 20 missing high school friends at a shelter for those evacuated from the disaster zone in Rikuzentakat 

 Tokyo-based photographer Yuriko Nakao: “This, the first earthquake that I covered, turned out to be the most massive and destructive one. What is most difficult is imagining the feelings of the people who have survived this tragedy and those who lost their lives. Behind all the mounds of rubble, disastrous scenes and smoke billowing from nuclear power plants, there are people who lost their house, their loved ones, their job, hopes and on top of that have fears of nuclear radiation: which could possibly affect their health and contaminate their land. The sorrow and their fears for their destiny are unimaginable. Imagining what I would feel if a photographer snapped pictures of me, if I was in their shoes, it made it extremely difficult to press the shutter. When I saw people packed in a gymnasium of a high school in Kawamatacho, Fukushima, some lying on blankets, some spacing out, some talking with their neighbors, I didn't know where to start. So, I started to talk to the evacuees. Surprisingly, everyone was kind and caring. Nineteen-year old Narumi even offered me a portion of their very limited amount of snacks, though I insisted I was not hungry. One woman in her early 30's gave me a very bright smile telling me please report this to the rest of the world. She added "We lost everything. So we might as well be humorous and smile even though we are as sad as we can be." We looked alike and became friends right away. We joked that we smelled the same, giggling as we pointed to each other’s socks, since neither of us had showered for the last 4 days or so. We hugged and in the end, she wished for my safety. At the same time, there are so many with sad stories which cannot be told without tears. I hope to report on the tragedy without making the people feel uneasy or disturbed and spread the reality as much as possible. I hope that people all over the world would offer us a hand, time, money and prayers." 

A doctor talks to evacuees from the vicinity of Fukushima nuclear plant, at an evacuation center set in a gymnasium in Yamagata,

A boy plays with a balloon at an evacuation centre set in a gymnasium in Kawamata, Fukushima Prefecture

Residents queue for supplies at a shop in the coastal town of Mito

An evacuee, who fled from the vicinity of Fukushima nuclear power plant, sits next to laundry hanged out to dry at an evacuation center set in a gymnasium in Yamagata.

 Rescue workers search through rubble in an area hit by an earthquake and tsunami in Otsuchi 

A car sits atop another in an area affected by an earthquake and tsunami in Miyako, Iwate prefecture

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