Dangerous Breach suspected at Japan Nuke site.
TOKYO — A suspected breach in the core of a reactor at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant could mean more serious radioactive contamination, Japanese officials revealed Friday, as the prime minister called the country's ongoing fight to stabilize the plant "very grave and serious."
A somber Prime Minister Naoto Kan sounded a pessimistic note at a briefing hours after nuclear safety officials announced what could be a major setback in the urgent mission to stop the plant from leaking radiation, two weeks after a devastating earthquake and tsunami disabled it.
"The situation today at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant is still very grave and serious. We must remain vigilant," Kan said. "We are not in a position where we can be optimistic. We must treat every development with the utmost care."
The uncertain situation halted work at the nuclear complex, where dozens of workers had been trying feverishly to stop the overheated plant from leaking dangerous radiation. The plant has leaked some low levels of radiation, but a breach could mean a much larger release of contaminants.
Workers from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex are shielded with tarps before receiving decontamination treatment at a hospital on Friday.
Quake cost estimated up to $310B
TOKYO, March 23 (UPI) -- The earthquake-tsunami crisis caused up to $310 billion in economic cost in the seven worst-hit prefectures, a preliminary Japanese government estimate said.
The government Wednesday also warned about the disaster's negative impact on the country's export and industrial output recovery, the Kyodo news service reported.
The economic loss estimate ranged from 16 trillion yen or $198 billion to 25 trillion yen or about $310 billion, resulting from the destruction of social infrastructure, housing and corporate facilities in the regions worst-hit by the March 11 disaster in northeast Japan, the government said.
Those losses could bring down Japan's growth rate by 0.5 percent, the government said, while warning the actual result may be worse as the current estimate did not take into account any negative effect from power supply shortages resulting from the damage at the nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture.
Sendai, Japan
간 나오토(菅直人) 일본 총리가 후쿠시마(福島) 제1원자력발전소의 현 상황에 대해 “악화를 막는 형태로 대응하고 있고, 아직 안심할 수 없다”는 인식을 보였다.
간 총리는 25일 오후 동일본대지진 2주째를 맞아 기자회견을 열고 “현재 후쿠시마 제1 원전의 상황은 아직 안심할 수 있는 상황은 아니다”라며 “악화를 막는 형태로 대응하고 있으며, 긴장을 늦추지 않고 각 국면에 대처해야 한다고 생각한다”고 밝혔다.
간 총리는 동일본 대지진으로 빚어진 현 상황에 대해 “피해자 여러분을 포함해 모든 국민이 전후 최대의 위기에 힘을 합쳐 대처하는 데 경의를 표한다”며 “앞으로 미군 등의 지원을 받아 사태의 조기 수습에 최선을 다하겠다”고 덧붙였다.
방사성 물질의 확산 때문에 빚어진 사태에 대해서는 “방사성 물질이 음식물이나 물 등에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 지방자치단체와 연계해서 감시하고, 여기서 얻은 정보는 신속하게 국민 여러분과 국제 사회에 공개하겠다”고 말했다.
또 앞으로 계획에 대해 “주택.의료.교육 등 생활과 농업.어업.공업 등 생산활동의 양 측면에서 본격적인 복구.부흥에 눈을 돌리겠으며, 빠른 곳에서는 이달 안에 임시 주택 건설이 시작될 것”이라며 “앞으로 피해 지역의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 중앙정부 직원을 지방에 파견하겠다”고 설명했다
The economic loss estimate ranged from 16 trillion yen or $198 billion to 25 trillion yen or about $310 billion, resulting from the destruction of social infrastructure, housing and corporate facilities in the regions worst-hit by the March 11 disaster in northeast Japan, the government said.
Those losses could bring down Japan's growth rate by 0.5 percent, the government said, while warning the actual result may be worse as the current estimate did not take into account any negative effect from power supply shortages resulting from the damage at the nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture.
Sendai, Japan
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간 나오토 "일본, 전후 최대 위기… 아직 안심할 없다"
간 총리는 25일 오후 동일본대지진 2주째를 맞아 기자회견을 열고 “현재 후쿠시마 제1 원전의 상황은 아직 안심할 수 있는 상황은 아니다”라며 “악화를 막는 형태로 대응하고 있으며, 긴장을 늦추지 않고 각 국면에 대처해야 한다고 생각한다”고 밝혔다.
간 총리는 동일본 대지진으로 빚어진 현 상황에 대해 “피해자 여러분을 포함해 모든 국민이 전후 최대의 위기에 힘을 합쳐 대처하는 데 경의를 표한다”며 “앞으로 미군 등의 지원을 받아 사태의 조기 수습에 최선을 다하겠다”고 덧붙였다.
방사성 물질의 확산 때문에 빚어진 사태에 대해서는 “방사성 물질이 음식물이나 물 등에 미치는 영향에 대해서는 지방자치단체와 연계해서 감시하고, 여기서 얻은 정보는 신속하게 국민 여러분과 국제 사회에 공개하겠다”고 말했다.
또 앞으로 계획에 대해 “주택.의료.교육 등 생활과 농업.어업.공업 등 생산활동의 양 측면에서 본격적인 복구.부흥에 눈을 돌리겠으며, 빠른 곳에서는 이달 안에 임시 주택 건설이 시작될 것”이라며 “앞으로 피해 지역의 요구를 충족시키기 위해 중앙정부 직원을 지방에 파견하겠다”고 설명했다
아래 링크는 구글이 제공하는 것인데 일본 재해에 대한 실종자 확인, 뉴스, 지도, 정부기관, 교통망 등에 관한 정보를 찾을 수 있다.
추나미의 다이야그램(밀물과 썰물의 순서가 다를 경우도 있다)
추나미는 바다 속 지진(Plate에 의한)이나 해안지역에서 일어나는 땅의 흔들림 해저
活動、海底の 地滑り、海洋への隕石の落下など気象以外の要因によって引き起こされ、
화산의 활동, 바다 밑의 땅의 흔들림, 해양에 운석의 낙하등의 기상 이외의 요인에
의해 발생하여, 해안선에 도달해서 피해를 가져올 가능성이 있는 높은 파도이다.
20世紀後半以降は広く 国際的に「Tsunami」と呼ばれて いる
원래 일본어인데 20세기후반 이후에는 넓게 국제적으로 'Tsunami'로 불려지고 있다.
Tokyo Water Deemed Harmful for Infants
Disaster in Japan
Tsunami Makes Heroes and Victims of Some Family
Contaminated Seafoods Feared in Japan
Children hide under a table at a junior high school as a strong aftershock jolted the area at Ishinomaki, northeastern Japan, Thursday.
Workers remove debris from roads in Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture on Thursday, March 24, after the recent earthquake and tsunami disaster.
In this photo released by Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency, Tokyo Electric Power Co. workers collect data in the control room for Unit 1 and Unit 2 at the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okumamachi on Wednesday, March 23.
Dairy farmer Kenichi Hasegawa dumps milk in a corn field in Iitatemura, Fukushima prefecture. Radiation has seeped into vegetables, raw milk, the water supply and seawater since a magnitude-9 quake and killer tsunami crippled the Fukushima Dai-ichi power plant on March 11.
A woman buys bottled water imported from France at a convenience store in central Tokyo. Japanese authorities advised against allowing infants to drink tap water in Tokyo due to raised radiation levels.
A woman makes a bed in a relative's house in Rikuzentakata where she and 31 other family members found shelter after the area was devastated by the quake and tsunami.
Saya Takahashi, 12, sits in class during a graduation ceremony for the sixth grade at the Ohya Elementary school in Kesennuma.
Naval Air Crewman 2nd Class Chris Tautkus, assigned to the Black Knights of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 4, asks a child to return his helmet in Oshima in this U.S. Navy handout photo dated March 21 and released on Wednesday. Ships and aircraft of the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group are conducting humanitarian assistance operations in Japan.
Soldiers salute prior to placing a coffin into the tomb at a temporary cemetery in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi prefecture. A total of 60 tsunami victims were placed at the temporary cemetery over the last two days.
A local resident refuels his car at a gas station that was damaged by the earthquake and tsunami, in Motoyoshi town, Miyagi prefecture. Using a bicycle pump, the gas station, which is owned by a farmers cooperative, opened for regular customers on Wednesday, selling a maximum of 18 liters (4.75 gallons) per vehicle at the regular price.
A boat sat atop a building in Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture.
A tsunami survivor stands next to fires at a refuge center in Rikuzentakada, Iwate Prefecture.
A bus which had the kindergarteners inside were swept away by tsunami and lies near a building. 園児を乗せたまま、津波に流された送迎バス(21日午前11時5分、宮城県山元町のふじ幼稚園で)
Status of major road, airport, harbor, Shikansen Line (as of March 22) 主な道路、空港、港湾、新幹線の状況(3月22日) |
People with personal bags is in a line to get on a Bus bound for Ishimaki, Aoba-ku, Sendai. 荷物を持って石巻行きの高速バスの列に並ぶ人たち(21日午前11時23分、仙台市青葉区で) |
A woman watched as searching continued at Okawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. Only 24 of 84 schoolchildren and 13 teachers have been confirmed as alive by the school.
Japanese soldiers searched for the bodies of tsunami victims in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture, on Tuesday.
Soldiers put an identifying tag on a body in Natori.
A man warmed himself by a fire after trying to clean up the remains of his store in Kesennuma, in Miyagi Prefecture. Medical teams are treating large numbers of cases of hypothermia and pneumonia, as well as illness from swallowing polluted water.
A soldier walked down a path in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture.
A woman prayed in front of a kindergarten bus in which five children died in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture.
Soldiers lowered a coffin at a temporary mass grave site in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture.
On Tuesday, the government raised the official death toll upward to 9,079, and said more than 12,600 were missing, although officials cautioned there could be overlap between the figures. The final death toll is likely to reach 18,000, the government has said.
Mourners laid flowers in front of a tsunami victim’s coffin in Higashi Matsushima.
Aerial View of the Most Destroyed Towns: Rikuzentakada, Kesunnuma, Minamisanriku, Ishimaki
and Sendai Airport - In Japanese
Totally Devastated Minamisanrikucho in Japanese
Aerial View of Kesunnuma in Japanese
Aerial View of Ravaged Rikuzentakada in Japanese
Anxiety Grow over Japanese Nuclear Crisis

Family members and relatives transfer the bones of Masaichi Oyama, who was killed by the tsunami, by chopsticks into an urn the during a cremation ceremony on Thursday. The family lost three family members from the earthquake and tsunami. Under Japanese Buddhist practice, a cremation is the expected traditional way of dealing with the dead, but now with the death toll so high, crematoriums are overwhelmed and there is a shortage of fuel to burn them. Local municipalities are forced to dig mass graves as a temporary solution.

Ducks swim past a submerged vehicle after the earthquake and tsunami in Yamada town on March 24
"Ishi no Mura Animation Gallary" heavily ravaged by the tsunami in Ishimaki, Miyagi Prefecture. 壊滅的な被害を受けた「石ノ森萬画館」宮城県石巻市

Higashi Matsushima city office employee Yoshio Suzuki writes the name of a victim of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami on a piece of wood at a temporary mass grave site in Higashi-Matsushima, Miyagi prefecture, on March 24.

U.S. Air Force 36th Airlift Squadron Master Sgt. Neal Martyniak walks by barrels containing diesel fuel aboard a C-130 transport plane on March 24, during a flight from Yokota Air Base in suburbs of Tokyo to Sendai Airport in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. In support of Operation Tomodachi, the U.S. Department of Defense is providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
Women hang their laundry on makeshift lines in the seats of a gymnasium that has turned into an evacuation center in Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture, northern Japan, on March 24. Hundreds of thousands remain homeless, squeezed into temporary shelters without heat, warm food or medicine and no idea what to call home after the March 11 tsunami swallowed up communities along the coast and dozens of strong aftershocks continued to shake the nation.
People collect bottles of mineral water at a food distribution in Yamada, Iwate Prefecture in northern Japan, on March 24. Tokyo residents were warned not to give babies tap water because of radiation leaking from a nuclear plant crippled in the earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeast Japan in the world's costliest natural disaster.

Tatsuhiro Karino and wife Masako search for their daughter, Misaki, 8, at Ookawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki, Japan. He found the body of their son, Tetsuya, 11, earlier in the day. More than 80 students and 10 teachers died.

Tomoyuki Kondou, left, and others in Kesennuma, Japan, worry that radiation from the Fukushima seaside nuclear plant might affect the region’s long-bustling fishing industry.

Relief supplies were stored at a community gym in Minamisanriku.

Mourners gathered for a mass burial on Wednesday in the coastal city of Higashi Matsushima,

Ekuko Kimura, 58, cried over her dead son, Taishi Kimura, 31.
Family members and relatives transfer the bones of Masaichi Oyama, who was killed by the tsunami, by chopsticks into an urn the during a cremation ceremony on Thursday. The family lost three family members from the earthquake and tsunami. Under Japanese Buddhist practice, a cremation is the expected traditional way of dealing with the dead, but now with the death toll so high, crematoriums are overwhelmed and there is a shortage of fuel to burn them. Local municipalities are forced to dig mass graves as a temporary solution.
Ducks swim past a submerged vehicle after the earthquake and tsunami in Yamada town on March 24
The first fishes caught after the earthquake was unloaded at Hachinohe harbor in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture. Cases of pollacks and cases of octopuses were pulled out one after another. 震災後、初の水揚げがあった青森県八戸市の八戸港。スケトウダラやタコが入った箱が次々と運び出された
Uchidate Noboyuki, 33, takes a smoking break as he digs through the remains of his house that was destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in Yamada on March 24. Uchidate is still looking for his parents, sister and brother who were reported missing after the tsunami.
Higashi Matsushima city office employee Yoshio Suzuki writes the name of a victim of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami on a piece of wood at a temporary mass grave site in Higashi-Matsushima, Miyagi prefecture, on March 24.
U.S. Air Force 36th Airlift Squadron Master Sgt. Neal Martyniak walks by barrels containing diesel fuel aboard a C-130 transport plane on March 24, during a flight from Yokota Air Base in suburbs of Tokyo to Sendai Airport in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. In support of Operation Tomodachi, the U.S. Department of Defense is providing humanitarian assistance and disaster relief for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.
Women hang their laundry on makeshift lines in the seats of a gymnasium that has turned into an evacuation center in Yamagata, Yamagata Prefecture, northern Japan, on March 24. Hundreds of thousands remain homeless, squeezed into temporary shelters without heat, warm food or medicine and no idea what to call home after the March 11 tsunami swallowed up communities along the coast and dozens of strong aftershocks continued to shake the nation.
People collect bottles of mineral water at a food distribution in Yamada, Iwate Prefecture in northern Japan, on March 24. Tokyo residents were warned not to give babies tap water because of radiation leaking from a nuclear plant crippled in the earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeast Japan in the world's costliest natural disaster.
Tatsuhiro Karino and wife Masako search for their daughter, Misaki, 8, at Ookawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki, Japan. He found the body of their son, Tetsuya, 11, earlier in the day. More than 80 students and 10 teachers died.
Tomoyuki Kondou, left, and others in Kesennuma, Japan, worry that radiation from the Fukushima seaside nuclear plant might affect the region’s long-bustling fishing industry.
Relief supplies were stored at a community gym in Minamisanriku.
Mourners gathered for a mass burial on Wednesday in the coastal city of Higashi Matsushima,
Ekuko Kimura, 58, cried over her dead son, Taishi Kimura, 31.
Japan Ground Self Defense Forces salute after laying a coffin during a burial ceremony for the March 11 tsunami victims in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, Wednesday, March 23.
A relative of a earthquake and tsunami victim cries as she looks into a coffin before burial at a temporary mass grave site in Higashimatsushima on Wednesday.
Fishermen clean up Kawajiri port, which was damaged by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, in Hitachi, Ibaraki prefecture on Wednesday.
Girls give massages to elderly women at a shelter in Yamada on Wednesday.
U.S. Navy crew members mop the flight deck to remove radioactive contamination from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan on Wednesday in the Pacific Ocean off the Japanese coast after 10 days of relief missions to transport supplies to survivors in the earthquake and tsunami-devastated area.
On Tuesday, the Japanese government raised the official death toll from the tsunami and earthquake to 9,079, and said more than 12,600 were missing, although officials cautioned that there could be overlap between the figures. Firefighters and others searced for missing people in Sendai.
Members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces carried a coffin during a mass burial ceremony in the coastal city of Higashi Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture
Family members of victims of the earthquake and tsunami cried next to coffins at a temporary mass grave site in Higashi Matsushima.
High school baseball players offered silent prayer during the opening ceremony of the National High School Championship in Nishinomiya.
KURIHARA, JAPAN - MARCH 24: Family members grieve over the coffins of Tsune Oyama and Masaichi Oyama during a cremation, they were both killed by the tsunami, on March 24, 2011 in Kurihara,Japan. The family lost three family members from the earthquake and tsunami. Under Japanese Buddhist practice
Otomo(front) said "it is our dish washing plate" and cried. Nakajima and she are sisters. Their father and brother were found dead in a car, and mother is missing. Natori, Miyagi Prefecture. 「うちの流し台だ」と言って涙を流す大友千賀子さん(手前)と中嶋明美さんは姉妹。実家の父親と兄は車の中で遺体で見つかり、母親は行方不明だ=21日、宮城県名取市、
Kanecho sanitation facility of Tokyo water department detected amounts of radioactive iodine in the water which is dangerous level for infants to drink.〈3月24日(火)〉 乳児の飲用に適さない濃度の放射性ヨウ素が検出された東京都水道局の金町浄水場。後方は東京都心=23日
People made a long line to pay to cashier in a reopen supermarket in Itchigawa. 3月24日(火)〉 営業を再開したスーパーでは、レジ待ちの長い列ができた=23日、福島県いわき市
아래는 New York Times의 일본 지진 Photo Slide를 갖고 있는 곳임.
http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/12/world/asia/20110312_japan.html#1All Video Footages are in Japanese
Tsunami Engulfs Everything in Coastal Area of Sendai
Aerial View of Ofutano
Huge Tsunami Waves Approaching to the Coast of Natori
News on Tsunami Hit Many Places in Japan
News on Tsunami Wiping Out Numerous Locations in Japan
Tsunami!, It's Coming in Iwaki
Black Death Wave at Miyako
Divers from the Japanese Coast Guard search for missing persons in the port of Ayukawa in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture on Thursday.
Evacuees line up to receive curry with rice from volunteers from Hokkaido at a shelter in Yamada, Iwate Prefecture on Thursday, March 24.
Members of Japan's Self Defense Forces searched for earthquake and tsunami victims in Onagawa,
United States Marines based in Japan started to clear rubble in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture.
Sendai is a port city in northeastern Japan and was the closest major city to the epicenter of the quake. A United States Marine based in Japan directed heavy lifting equipment as reconstruction work continued at Sendai's airport.
A man cleaned his bicycle at an area destroyed by the tsunami in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture.
A woman paused as she cleaned her house, which was destroyed by the tsunami, in Kamaishi.
A shelter at Takata Daiichi junior high school in Rikuzentakata. Hundreds of thousands remain homeless, squeezed into temporary shelters without heat, warm food or medicine in communities along the coast of Japan.
Missing persons sign are posted at the shelter at Takata Daiichi junior high school in Rikuzentakata.
Syoichi Yanashita, left, and his son Noriaki, right, cut evacuees' hair at the shelter.
Men rested after collecting floats that were washed away by the tsunami in the port town of Kyubun.
Asuka Oyama, 10, prayed over the coffin of Katsuko Oyama during a cremation ceremony on Thursday in Minamisanriku. The family lost three family members in the tsunami.
This is a satellite image taken Saturday by DigitalGlobe showing the damage around the Fukushima Dai-Ni nuclear power plant at Futaba in Fukushima.
This satellite image taken on Saturday shows the damage inland and the damaged Kengaya bridge, left.
Mothers with their children receive bottles of water at a Tokyo ward office after officials warned Wednesday that radioactive iodine more than twice the safe level for infants had been detected in tap water. The amount of radioactive iodine in Tokyo drinking water fell back below the level safe for infants Thursday, according to government officials said, but daily monitoring will continue.
Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara drinks tap water at the Kanamachi water plant in Tokyo in attempt to reassure residents of the safety of tap water.
Heavy machinery piles up tsunami rubble to a height of 10 metres in Natori city in Miyagi prefecture. Work is expected to continue for weeks just to clear all the debris left in the wake of the earthquake and tsunami.
Flowers and food sit on top of a coffin as a traditional gesture to the dead.
Seagulls fly over devastated houses in Rikuzentakata in northern Japan.
Norio Tsuzumi, standing in the center in the background, vice president of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the operator of Japan's crippled nuclear plant, and his employees bow their heads to apologize to evacuees at a shelter in Koriyama in Fukushima Prefecture.
The produce department of a market in Senday City is crowded with shoppers as the store re-opens. Warnings from Tokyo say that radioactive iodine in the tap water is at unsafe levels for infants. The panic in Japan's largest city, home to around 13 million people, added to growing fears over the nation's food supply.
Students react to a guest speaker's message Tuesday at their graduation ceremony in the destroyed town of Yamada in northern Japan.
Destruction is seen in Sendai, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. More than 10,000 people are believed to have been killed by a massive earthquake and resulting tsunami.
Damage to the security gate for reactors No. 1 and No. 2 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant,
The central control room for the No. 1 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant lit with electric lights, March 24, 2011.
Workers attempting to repair power lines at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, March 18, 2011.
A piano submerged in water in Rikuzentakat
Bereaved family members of victims watch as an excavator digs a temporary mass grave site in Higashi Matsushima, northern Japan March 23, 2011.
Bereaved family members of victims of the earthquake and tsunami open the lids of coffins before burying them at a temporary mass grave site in Higashi Matsushima, March 23, 2011.
Workers in protective suits prepare Thursday to decontaminate two nuclear plant workers in Fukushima,
A man surveys the damage in Yamada, Japan, on Thursday, March 24.
Japanese Coast Guard divers search for missing people in the waters off Ayukawa on Wednesday, March 23.
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