Japan mourns dead, many bodies remain missing
Over 21,000 dead or missing in quake-hit Japan: police
TOKYO, March 22 Kyodo
The total number of people killed or reported missing as a result of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that hit northeastern Japan stood at 21,459 as of 9 p.m. Monday, the National Police Agency
said, while growing signs of reconstruction emerged, with access restored to all communities in the disaster-struck coastal prefecture of Iwate.
The number of deaths reported in a total of 12 prefectures stood at 8,805, while the number of people reported missing by their relatives climbed to 12,654 in six prefectures. Police have identified around 4,080 bodies, of which 2,990 have been returned to their families, the agency said.
A total of about 320,000 evacuees, including people who fled areas around the troubled nuclear reactors in Fukushima Prefecture, are now staying at about 2,100 makeshift shelters set up in 16 prefectures.
said, while growing signs of reconstruction emerged, with access restored to all communities in the disaster-struck coastal prefecture of Iwate.
The number of deaths reported in a total of 12 prefectures stood at 8,805, while the number of people reported missing by their relatives climbed to 12,654 in six prefectures. Police have identified around 4,080 bodies, of which 2,990 have been returned to their families, the agency said.
A total of about 320,000 evacuees, including people who fled areas around the troubled nuclear reactors in Fukushima Prefecture, are now staying at about 2,100 makeshift shelters set up in 16 prefectures.
Interactive map: Japan's double disaster
쓰나미 파괴력
점보제트기 250대가 한꺼번에 시속 1000km로 날아와 부딪히는 강도.’
지난 11일 일본이 자랑하는 산리쿠(三陸)해안의 거대한 방파제를 박살 내고
육지로 밀려든 쓰나미의 파괴력에 대한 설명이다.
와세다대학 시바야마 사토루야 교수(해안 공학)는 19일 오후 비행기로 이와테현
카마이시만 입구에 자리 잡은 ‘세계 최고 깊이의 방파제’가 쓰나미에 의해 파괴된
현장을 둘러본 뒤 이같이 추산했다고 요미우리신문이 21일 보도했다.
3·11 대지진 이전까지 카마이시만의 방파제는 전체 길이 약 2km, 수면 위
높이 약 8m, 두께 약 20m로 우뚝 솟아 항만을 지키고 있었다. 그러나 지금은
이 방파제의 절반에 가까운 북쪽 800m 부분이 크게 무너져 내렸고, 해면에 남은
부분이라고는 여기저기 흩어진 콘크리트블록 조각뿐인 흉물스런 모습이었다.

2009년 완성된 이 방파제는 최고 수심 63m의 바다 밑에 도쿄 돔의 7배에 해당하는 700만㎥의 거대한 콘크리트 덩어리를 가라앉히고, 그 위에 콘크리트벽을 쌓아 만든 ‘일본의 자랑’이었다. 일본은 1896년 발생한 규모 8.5의 대지진과 쓰나미를 기준으로, 같은 규모의 지진과 쓰나미에 버틸 수 있도록 이 방파제를 만들었다. 기네스북에도 세계 최고 깊이의 방파제로 기록될 정도였다.
이와테현 오후나토항에 있는 거대한 방파제(길이 약 750m, 수심 약 40m)도 완전하게 붕괴해 가라앉아 있다. 시바야마 교수는 “방파제가 지진으로 여러 곳에 균열이 생겼고, 그 직후 쓰나미가 부딪히면서 단번에 무너져 내린 것으로 보인다”며 “엄청난 위력”이라고 말했다.
이 밖에도 이번 쓰나미는 이와테현 미야코시에서 주민들이 ‘만리장성’이라며 든든해하던 길이 2.5km, 높이 10m짜리 방조제를 넘고 들어와 민가를 삼켰고, 야마타쵸의 방조제도 50~60m에 이르는 부위가 산산조각이 나면서 쓰나미와 함께 마을을 덮쳤다.
높이 약 8m, 두께 약 20m로 우뚝 솟아 항만을 지키고 있었다. 그러나 지금은
이 방파제의 절반에 가까운 북쪽 800m 부분이 크게 무너져 내렸고, 해면에 남은
부분이라고는 여기저기 흩어진 콘크리트블록 조각뿐인 흉물스런 모습이었다.
2009년 완성된 이 방파제는 최고 수심 63m의 바다 밑에 도쿄 돔의 7배에 해당하는 700만㎥의 거대한 콘크리트 덩어리를 가라앉히고, 그 위에 콘크리트벽을 쌓아 만든 ‘일본의 자랑’이었다. 일본은 1896년 발생한 규모 8.5의 대지진과 쓰나미를 기준으로, 같은 규모의 지진과 쓰나미에 버틸 수 있도록 이 방파제를 만들었다. 기네스북에도 세계 최고 깊이의 방파제로 기록될 정도였다.
이와테현 오후나토항에 있는 거대한 방파제(길이 약 750m, 수심 약 40m)도 완전하게 붕괴해 가라앉아 있다. 시바야마 교수는 “방파제가 지진으로 여러 곳에 균열이 생겼고, 그 직후 쓰나미가 부딪히면서 단번에 무너져 내린 것으로 보인다”며 “엄청난 위력”이라고 말했다.
이 밖에도 이번 쓰나미는 이와테현 미야코시에서 주민들이 ‘만리장성’이라며 든든해하던 길이 2.5km, 높이 10m짜리 방조제를 넘고 들어와 민가를 삼켰고, 야마타쵸의 방조제도 50~60m에 이르는 부위가 산산조각이 나면서 쓰나미와 함께 마을을 덮쳤다.
Anxiety Grows over Japan's Nuclear Crisis
Tarou, 'Model Town' Destroyed in Tsunami
Getting Food to People in Japan
Returning to the Devastation
Tsunami Dogs Stick Together
Click the link below to view Panoramic images from the disaster in Japan: Natori, Sendai Airport, Kesennuma,
Akira Ab, father of rescued 16-year-old Jin Abe, checks on his son at the Red Cross hospital in Ishinomaki city, Miyagi prefecture, Japan, on Monday, March 21. One day earlier, Jin and Akira's 80-year-old mother Sumi Abe were rescued from their collapsed home, nine days after a massive earthquake and tsunami. The story of survival provided some rare good news as the death toll from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami continued to climb.
Twisted railroad tracks by earthquake and tsunami in Higashimatsushima. 地震と津波で歪んだJR仙石線のレール=宮城・東松島市、
Fukushima Governor Yuhei Sato offers words of hope at a shelter to protect from radiation exposure in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, on March 21. Despite living in close proximity to the Fukushima nuclear facility, evacuees at the shelter had never had an emergency drill to prepare them for a nuclear disaster.
A cemetery is littered with with cars deposited by the tsunami in Ishinomaki, Miyagi prefecture, on March 21. Driving rain disrupted rescue efforts in Japan and compounded the misery of disaster survivors now fearing radioactive fallout from the smoldering wreck of a nuclear plant.
A second-grade girl smiled brightly after finding out her school bag among debris in Ayasato elementary school in Ofunato2年生の一人は、後片付けに訪れて自分のかばんを見つけた=18日午前、岩手県大船渡市の綾里小学校
Harue Ishikawa, 61, cried over her son's coffin after learning about his death at a makeshift morgue in Rikuzentakata
A coffin was carried from a temporary morgue set up inside a bowling alley in Natori
Residents prayed at the graves of their ancestors at a cemetery in Minamisanriku
Rescue workers searched through debris in Natori, Miyagi Prefecture.
A flooded road in Ishinomaki was navigable, if only by bicycle.
Tamane Mitsuko, 60, prayed outside her destroyed house in Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, on Monday.
Destruction is seen in the wake of last week's 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami in Ofunato
A Sailor assigned to Naval Air Facility Misawa carries debris to a dumpsite during a cleanup effort at the Misawa Fishing Port, in Misawa, Japan, March 14, 2011. More than 90 Sailors from Naval Air Facility Misawa volunteered in the relief effort, assisting Misawa City employees and members of the community following the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami that devastated the country
Destruction is seen in the wake of last week's 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami in Ofunato,
Destruction is seen in the wake of last week's 8.9 magnitude earthquake and tsunami in Ofunato
Women look at their homes in the destruction scene in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture
The destruction is seen in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture
A clock is seen stopped in the destruction in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture
Destruction in Sendai
Workers remove rubble from destruction in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture
Destruction is seen in Minamisanriku-cho, Miyagi prefecture
An aerial view shows the tsunami damage in an area north of Sendai, Japan, from a U.S.
Navy helicopter assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan,
Members of Japan Ground Self-Defense Force search for victims as destruction is seen in Sendai
The destruction is seen in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture
Search Winds Down in Hard-Hit Japan Town 9 Days after quake and tsunami
Japan Reports Progress at Nuke Plants
Moments of Tsunami Attack in Many Places in Japan: In Japanese
Crisis in Japan
Doctor is doing checkup on a newborn baby in Iwagi Hospital いわき市立総合磐城共立病院の新生児集中治療室で診療する医師=18日、福島県いわき市
The destruction is seen in Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture
Buoys hang from electricity cables in a fishing village near the Onagawa plant.
A house lies in the sea off a village near the Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant on Sunday, nine days after the deadly March 11 earthquake and tsunami that hit the northeastern coast of Japan's main island, Honshu.
Destruction is seen in Minamisanriku-cho, Miyagi prefecture
Japanese firefighters search for survivors as destruction is seen in Sendai
Debris piled up to the roof of a gas station.
Ito, 85, is not in good condition, hard to walk outside, hearing information from a radio close to her ears. 伊藤艶子さん(85)は体調が悪く、出歩くことが難しい。ラジオに耳を傾けて情報を集めようとしていた=17日、岩手県釜石市
Dakahashi was safely delivered of a baby girl after living in terrible condition in a refuge center in a hospital in Sendai. 過酷な避難所生活を経て、無事、女の子を出産した高橋桂さん=仙台市の東北公済病院、
Hosokawa, 29, nine month pregnant, giving her first son a pigbag ride, lives in a makeshift shelter at gymnasium of elementary school. 長男をおんぶしながら、小学校の体育館で避難生活を送る妊娠9カ月目の細川美佳子さん(29)。12日に岩手県大船渡市の実家に里帰り出産する予定だった。里帰り先も被災し、「どうしようか迷っている」=17日午後、宮城県多賀城市、
A model island of Hyotan island lost its lighthouse at the right end completely ひょうたん島のモデルとされる蓬莱島。右手にあった灯台が根元から折れてしまった=20日、岩手県大槌町
This photo is before the earthquake and tsunami.
Unbelievable forces of Tsunami Tearing down Everything in Kesennuma
Massive Whirlpool after Japan Tsunami
Japan's Youth Mobilize in Face of Crisis
Massive Whirlpool after Japan Tsunami
Japan's Youth Mobilize in Face of Crisis
Tsunami Rushes Into The City of Kamaishi
Tsunami Engulfs Higashimatsushima
Japanese Coast Guard Rides 23-Foot Tsunami Wave
Workers repair railway tracks damaged by the March 11 earthquake in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki prefecture.
A woman is crying when she receives a loaf of bread as a food distribution at a refuge shelter in Kamaishi, Iwate Prefecture. 避難所での炊き出しで、配給のパンをもらって涙を流す女性 岩手県釜石市
A placard is posted along the roadside in the coastal area in Iwate Prefecture, reading " Indomitable Iwate".岩手県の沿岸地域に向かう沿道脇に感謝のメッセージが掲げられていた=岩手県遠野市
A graduation ceremony of the University of defense is under way in the electricity saving mode. They abstained from doing the traditional ceremony of 'throwing hats up in the air'.節電のため照明を落として行われた防衛大学校の卒業式。恒例の帽子投げも自粛された=20日午前10時31分、横須賀市
A vessel remains where the tsunami deposited it in Ishinomaki.
A man makes his way through Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture, on March 21. Heavy rain along the northeast coast disrupted rescue efforts and compounded the misery of survivors now fearing radioactive fallout from the wrecked Fukushima plant.
A makeshift city office of Futaba-cho in Fukushima Prefecture was set up in the hallway of 'Saitama Super Arena' which has evacuated here after the accident occurred at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant. 福島第一原発の事故に伴って避難してきた「さいたまスーパーアリーナ」の通路に設置された福島県双葉町の臨時町役場=20日午後6時17分、さいたま市
Lance Cpl. Jonathan Blake, assigned to the 1st Marine Logistics Group, uses an AN/PDR-77 Radiac to detect possible surface radiation on the sole of a shoe during an authorized voluntary departure of DoD dependents and Navy civilians from the island of Honshu, Japan on March 21.
A makeshift shrine made to honor victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Natori on March 21.
Workers construct temporary housing for the thousands of earthquake victims in Rikuzentakata on March 21.
Gray smoke rose from Reactor No. 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station on Monday. A team of workers trying to repair the reactor was temporarily evacuated from the site.
An elderly man read a newspaper in his small space at a shelter in Koriyama, Fukushima Prefecture.
Akiko Hatareyama dug mud out of what was left of her house in Kesennuma. A grounded ship was nearby.
Rescue teams on Monday were still searching through communities devastated by the tsunami. Firefighters carried a body in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture
Workers prepared for a mass burial in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture. NHK said Monday that the official death toll had been raised to more than 8,600.
From left, the father and brother of Hiroki Sugawara as his body arrived at Takata Junior High.
Devastation in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture. The final toll in Japan is expected to reach nearly 20,000. More than 13,000 people are listed as missing.
Schoolbags are recovered from Okawa elementary school in Ishinomaki, Miyagi prefecture on March 22. Only 24 of 84 schoolchildren and 13 teachers have been found alive so far. After the earthquake hit, all the schoolchildren and teachers prepared for evacuation in the school yard. Some children left for their homes with family members. While the rest of the children were waiting to be collected, the tsunami hit.
Divers of the Japan Coast Guard search for missing people in waters off Onagawa, March 22.
Norio Tsuzumi, vice president of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco), left, apologizes to evacuees at an evacuation center in Tamura, Fukushima prefecture, March 22. Public sentiment is such that Fukushima's governor Yuhei Sato rejected a meeting offered by the president of Tepco, the utility that runs the Fukushima nuclear plant. "Considering the anxiety, anger and exasperation being felt by people in Fukushima, there is just no way for me to accept their apology," said Gov. Sato on national broadcaster NHK.
A truck drives by a tsunami warning sign, top left, in Kamaishi, Iwate prefecture, March 22.
People, whose homes were destroyed by a tsunami, take a bath in a tent set up by Japan's Self Defense Force in Kamaishi, March 22
Rescue workers search for survivors on March 22 in Iwate prefecture.
A woman pushes her child amongst the debris on March 22 in Iwate prefecture.
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