
2011년 3월 15일 화요일

일본 강진 5일째 - 구조 작업과 증가하는 핵노출 위험 - 사진 동영상: Heightened Nuke Emergency in Japan D+5

지진과 추나미로 인한 일본의 대참사는 세계인들의 심금을 울려 슬픔과 어려움에 처한 일본인들을 위해 지원과 성원을 보내고 있다. 창졸간에 벌어진 어마어마한 재난으로 인해 사랑하는 가족과 친구와 이웃과 전 재산과 아름다운 추억을 잃은 그들의 마음은 우리가 헤아릴 수가 없다. 무슨 위로도 그들의 마음을 달랠 길이 없을 것이다. 수마가 할퀴고 지나간 자리는 형체조차 없어지고 온갖 쓰레기 더미로 생존자 수색도 아주 힘든 상황이다.

현재 이재민들은 전기, 물, 옷, 음식, 대피소 등 모든 것이 거의 없는 상태이다. 소중한 모든 것을 다 잃어 버리고 게다가 대부분은 가족의 생사 조차 모르고 애태우며 찾아 헤메고 있다. 그러한 악조건 속에서도 의연하게 재앙에 대처하는 일본인들에게 마음 깊은 곳에서부터 위로와 사랑과 존경을 보낸다. 세계가 성금을 모으며 그들의 상처를 조금이나마 덜어 주기위해 마음을 합하고 있다.
Hoping for Reunion amid Devastation

Tsunami Survivors, Little Left to Salvage

Japan from Bad to Worse

일본 경찰 "대지진 사망.실종자 1만명 상회"

일본 경찰청은 지난 11일 오후 발생한 동일본 대지진 및 쓰나미에 따른 사망.실종자가 1만명을 넘는 것으로 집계했다고 교도통신이 15일 전했다.

경찰청 집계 결과 15일 오후 8시 현재 사망자는 12개 도도현(都道縣)에서 3천373명, 실종자는 6천746명으로 합계 1만119명으로 나타났다.

지진과 쓰나미로 인한 사망.실종자가 1만명을 넘어선 것은 1923년 간토(關東)대지진 이래 처음이다.

일본 북동부 피해 지역에서는 이날 대지진 발생 92시간만에 여성이 구출되는 등 이날 오후 늦게까지 2만5천여명이 구조됐다. 그러나 아직 친인척 및 당국과 연락이 끊어진 주민도 수만명에 달한다고 교도통신은 전했다.

이날 자위대와 경찰은 약 8만여명을 동원 구출 활동을 전개했다. 8천여명의 안부가 확인되지 않고 있는 이와테현에서는 대지진 발생 92시간만에 민가에 고립됐던 70세 여성이 구출됐다.

주민 1만여명의 안부가 확인되지 않던 미야기현 미나미산리쿠에서는 2천여명이 무사한 것으로 확인됐다.

이날도 일본 열도에서는 강도 6 이상을 포함, 여러 차례 여진이 발생했다. 기상청은 “차츰 줄어들고 있지만 여전히 지각의 움직임이 활발한 상황”이라며 “쓰나미에도 주의가 필요하다”고 강조했다

A woman, 2nd from right, is reunited with her relatives at a shelter for the first time on Tuesday, March 15 after an earthquake and tsunami in Rikuzentakata in Iwate prefecture, northeast Japan.

Firefighters make their way through the rubble left behind by Friday's massive quake and tsunami, at Kesennuma, northeastern Japan, on Tuesday March 15.

People carry the body of a victim through debris in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture on Tuesday

Workers are seen at the disaster response headquarters in Fukushima on Tuesday. A fresh explosion rocked a stricken Japanese nuclear power plant on Tuesday and some workers were ordered to leave the site, a sign that the situation may be getting more serious at the complex that was damaged by a massive earthquake and tsunami.

A long line of vehicles forms along a street waiting for gasoline at Ageo, north of Tokyo, on Tuesday.

Two women look at buildings that were devastated by quake and tsunami, at Kesennuma on Tuesday.

A food factory employee packs rice-balls into boxes to send to quake survivors in Akita city on Tuesday

Syunsuke Doi, left, mourns after finding the bodies of his wife and two children at a makeshift morgue built after last week's earthquake and tsunami in Higashimatsushima, Monday.

Upon hearing another tsunami warning, a father tries to flee for safety with his just reunited four-month-old baby girl who was spotted by Japan's Self-Defense Force member in the rubble of tsunami-torn Ishinomaki Monday, March 14, three days after a powerful earthquake-triggered tsunami hit northeast Japan.

A man cries while walking through the devastated town of Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture, Monday.

A family picture lies among the rubble in Higashimatsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan, Monday.

Atmosphere at a local supermarket in Sendai, Monday. Many Japanese are fearing another large tremor and are hoarding food from supermarkets and convenience stores, mostly easy to cook and prepared food items like bread, fruits and vegetables, tofu, seafood and meat.

Aerial view shows an area destroyed by the tsunami in Minamisanriku, in Miyagi prefecture on Monday.

Handout picture supplied by the Japanese Red Cross shows debris in the city of Otsuchi, on Monday.

A Red Cross rescue worker, in red, is scanned for signs of radiation upon returning from Fukushima to his hospital in Nagahama, Shiga Prefecture, Monday. Fukushima prefectural officials said that 190 people have been exposed to some radiation from the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant damaged by Friday's strong earthquake.

일본정부 "방사선 인체에 영향 미칠 수준"   3/15/2011

일본 정부 대변인인 에다노 유키오(枝野幸男) 관방장관은 15일 “후쿠시마 원자로에서 유출된 방사능 유출량이 인체의 건강에 영향을 미칠 수준에 다다랐다”고 발표했다. 

에다노 장관은 “15일 오전 10시 22분 현재 후쿠시마 원전 2호기와 3호기 사이에서 30밀리시버트(mSv), 3호기 인근에서 400mSv, 4호기 인근에서 100mSv의 방사능이 검출됐다”고 말했다고 AFP·AP 등 외신들이 보도했다. 400mSv는 방사능 관련 종사자의 연평균 피폭 한도인 50mSv의 8배에 해당한다.

NHK방송은 “15일 오전 2호기 부근에서 시간당 965.5mSv의 방사능이 검출됐다”고 보도했고, 오전 8시 30분쯤엔 8217mSv까지 치솟은 것으로 전해졌다. X-ray에서 나오는 방사능은 0.01mSv, CT 촬영 때 나오는 방사능은 0.1mSv 정도다.

국가방사선비상진료센터는 1000mSv 이상 방사능에 노출됐을 때부터 인체 반응이 나타나기 시작한다고 설명했다. 1000~2000mSv 사이에선 탈모, 구토, 두통, 백혈구 수치 감소로 인한 면역력 감소, 몸이 맞은 것처럼 아픈 증상 등이 나타난다. 보통 암환자들이 방사선 치료를 받을 때 나타나는 증상이 이것이다. 

4000~6000mSv에 노출되면 감염, 출혈, 탈모 증상 외에 한두 시간 안에 체온이 38~40도까지 올라갈 확률이 80~100%가 되며, 한두 달 안에 사망할 확률이 20~70%나 된다. 8000mSv에 노출될 경우 정신이 혼미해지며 1~2주 안에 100% 사망하는 것으로 진료센터는 보고 있다.

What is Radiations Threat?

Villagers make their way along the twisted train tracks through the tsunami devastated town.

People recover a body.

A girl joins hundreds of people lining up for food at the supermarket. Some had been waiting four hours for store to open. Food and water are scares in Sendai.Electricity remains off as the temperature falls. Snow and rains are forecast.

Hundreds of people wait in a line at the Ito-Yokado supermarket. Some had been waiting 5 hours for the store's first opening in two days. Some said they were hungry and out of food and water.
Hundreds of people lines street, waiting for a supermarket to open in Sendai.

A woman looks over notes left for survivors at the Natori's City Hall, where assistance for disaster victims had been set up. Hundreds of thousands of Japanese people had been displace as a result of last week's disaster.

Japan missing
People seeking relatives have traveled between myriad sites, not easy, given that most public transport is shut down and gasoline is in acutely short supply
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Bodies discovered by soldiers from Japan's Self Defence Force are flagged with red and yellow markers in Rikuzentakata, March 13, 2011. 
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A man walks past debris through Minamisanriku town, March 14, 2011. 
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Members of Japan's Self Defense Force walk past the body of a woman at an area hit by an earthquake and tsunami in Rikuzentakata, Iwate prefecture, March 15, 2011. 
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A man looks around devastated area hit by earthquake and tsunami in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture in northern Japan, March 15, 2011. 
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A survivor carries food found in a destroyed supermarket in the devastated residential area of Otsuchi March 15, 2011. In the fishermen town of Otsuchi in Iwate prefecture, 12,000 out of a population of 15,000 have disappeared following last Friday's massive earthquake and tsunami. 
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Rescue workers search for victims in Noda village, Iwate Prefecture in northern Japan, March 14, 2011. 
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Rescue workers look at a mannequin as they search for victims amid the rubble of shop in Rikuzentakata, March 14, 2011. 
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Rescue workers search for victims in the rubble in Rikuzentakata, northern Japan after the magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami struck the area, March 14, 2011. 
Disaster in Japan

Rescue Boat Look for Survivors

Tears as Families Reunite in Japan

Seaside Town now Part of the Sea

Death and Devastation in Japan

A baby is tested for radiation in Nihonmatsu, Fukushima Prefecture in northern Japan on Tuesday.

People watch Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan on TV in a live broadcast at an evacuation center at Kawamata, northeastern Japan on Tuesday. In a nationally televised statement, Kan said radiation has spread from the three reactors of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in one of the hardest-hit provinces in Friday's 9.0-magnitude earthquake and the ensuing tsunami.

Women wail together after hearing of the death of family members at an evacuation center in Kesennuma in Miyagi prefecture on Tuesday.

Rescuers and victims carry out bags of food aid from a helicopter in Yamada, northern Japan on Tuesday.

A car is seen on the rooftop of a house as South Korean rescue workers walk past it in an area hit by an earthquake and tsunami in Sendai, northeastern Japan on Tuesday.

A group of South Korean rescue workers and local policemen pay respect after collecting the body of a Japanese earthquake victim in tsunami-swept Sendai, Miayagi Prefecture on Tuesday.

Evacuated residents are checked for radiation exposure in Koriyama, Fukushima on Tuesday
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A fireman goes through a photo album found in the ruins of the devastated town of Otsuchi, March 15, 2011.
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The body of a female patient lies dead in the hallways of a hospital in Minamisanriku town on March 14, 2011.
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A survivor pushes his bicycle through remains of devastated town of Otsuchi, March 14, 201
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Rescue workers search for victims in the rubble in Rikuzentakata, northern Japan after the magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami struck the area, March 14, 2011. 
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Rescue workers search through rubble in an area hit by an earthquake and tsunami in Otsuchi, March 15, 2011.
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A destroyed landscape is pictured in Otsuchi town, Iwate Prefecture in northern Japan, after an earthquake and tsunami struck the area, March 14, 2011. 
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A child's book is seen in the rubble in Rikuzentakata, northern Japan after the magnitude 8.9 earthquake and tsunami struck the area, March 13, 2011.
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Rescue workers search through ruins of the devastated residential area of tsunami hit Otsuchi, March 15, 2011.
Japan Confronts Grim Reality

The Global Impact of Japan's Economy

At Least 15,000 People Missing in Japan

Chilling video of Tsunami

Japan quake live blog: 6.1-magnitude aftershock rocks Honshu
People survey the damage Tuesday in Ishonomaki, Miyagi prefecture

Japanese Self-Defense Forces stood by a dead body in Nobiru, Miyagi Prefecure, Japan, on Monday.

People walked through street rubble to a water supply in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture

A woman wiped tears as she found no remains of her home in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture.

A woman walked by a destroyed house in Daigasaki, near Sendai.

Residents of Toyoma carried belongings from their homes on Monday.

Police officers searched for missing people amid the rubble in Iwanuma, Miyagi Prefecture.

A photo album was among the rubble in Natori, Migagi Prefecture.

Evacuees woke up at a shelter in a school gymnasium in Sendai.

An aerial view of Rikuzentakata, Miyagi Prefecture

Customers waited in line to buy supplies outside a supermarket in Kagamiishi.

Passengers filled a train station in Tokyo while service was suspended because of a planned blackout.

Japan faced a mounting humanitarian crisis on Sunday as the death toll from Friday’s earthquake and tsunami climbed astronomically. Residents of Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, looked out over the devastated city from higher ground.

Japanese Self-Defense Forces searched for survivors in a tsunami-ravaged area of Otsuchi,

On Sunday, the Japanese Meteorological Agency “upgraded” the quake’s magnitude from 8.8 to 9.0, an effective doubling of its recorded power. Survivors walked through a devastated area of Onagawa.

A man sat in the rubble in Rikuzentakata.

An American rescue worker and his dog searched for survivors amid debris in Ofunato

A woman searched for her belongings in Minamisanriku, Miyagi Prefecture, on Tuesday.

Some of what was left of Kesennuma was burning.

In Rikuzentakata, survivors paid respects in front of a body covered in a blanket.

A car was left on the rooftop of a house in Sendai.

A woman walked through the devastation in Rikuzentakata.

Evacuees at a school gym in Minamisanriku.

A man seeking his relatives looked at a list of survivors at a shelter in Rikuzentakata.

Cars waited in line for gas in Iwaki, surrounding a big sign reading 'Ame Shyo Department Store'.

About 1,000 evacuees slept in a shelter at Natrori Culture Center in Miyagi

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