
2010년 12월 22일 수요일

참새도 보호하시는 하나님: His eyes is on the sparrow

You are going to witness love and sorrow felt by God's creatures.
The Bible says that God knows when a sparrow falls.
Imagine how much He cares for us! 하나님이 창조한 새의 사랑과 슬픔을 보게 된다
Have a blessed weekend! 하믈며 인간인 우리를 그는 얼마나 사랑할까?

Subject: His Eye is On the Sparrow - A Beautiful Love Story 새의 아름다운 사랑 이야기
I know this bird is not a regular sparrow, but an eastern bluebird, but the message is sadly clear. 


A female mate was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road, and
the condition was soon fatal. 암컷새가 낮게 날다 차에 부딛쳐 치명상을 입었다.[]
Her male mate brought her food and attended her with love and compassion.
숫컷 새가 먹이를 물어다 주고 가여워하며 사랑으로 정성껏 간호한다[]
He brought her food again, but was shocked to find her dead.
다시 먹이를 가지고 왔을 때 죽은 것을 알고 놀란다.[]
He tried to move her - a rarely seen effort.
살려보려 했으나... 온갖 노력을 다 하였지만[]
Aware that his mate was dead and would never come back to him again,
he cried with adoring love...
자기 짝이 죽어 다시는 살아서 자기에게 올 수 없음을 알고 너무 사랑하기에 울고 있다.[]
...and stood beside her with sadness and sorrow.
죽은 짝 옆에 서서 슬픔과 비탄에 처해있다.[]
Millions of people were touched after seeing these photos in America, Europe,
Australia, and even India. The photographer sold these pictures for a nominal fee
to the most famous newspaper in France. All copies of that edition were sold out
on the day these pictures were published.

And many people think animals and birds don't have brains or feelings.  
많은 사람은 동물이나 새가 감정이나 생각하는 머리가 없다고 생각한다.

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