The 30th Anniversary of John Lennon’s Death
(AP) John Lennon’s fans celebrated his life Wednesday by visiting Strawberry Fields, the Central Park garden dedicated in his honor, while a newly released interview he gave shortly before his death showed he was optimistic about his future.
On the 30th anniversary of Lennon’s murder outside his Manhattan apartment building, admirers played his music nearby at Strawberry Fields and placed flowers on a mosaic named for his song “Imagine.”
In the newly released interview by Rolling Stone, conducted just three days before he was gunned down, John Lennon complained about his critics – saying they were just interested in “dead heroes” and mused that he had “plenty of time” to accomplish some of his life goals.
The magazine also included an essay by Ono recalling her final days with her husband.
Ono released a statement Tuesday night in tribute to Lennon.
“On this tragic anniversary please join me in remembering John with deep love and respect,” Ono said. “In his short lived life of 40 years, he has given so much to the world. The world was lucky to have known him. We still learn so much from him today. John, I love you!”
Below is a look at some of the photographs from the life of John Lennon.
내가 비틀즈를 처음 접한 것은 1964-5년으로 기억된다. 초등학교 1학년부터 성가대를 하고 2학년에는 서울중.고등학교 주최 아동콩클대회에서 수상도 하여 재능이 있다고 보았는지 어머니는 4학년에 나를 당시 을지로 2가 중앙극장에서 청계천 방향에 있었던 승동유치원에 데리고 갔다. 가서 보니 '서울소년합창단'을 곽상수 선생님이 미국에서 지휘 공부를 하고 귀국하여 성인으로 된 '성종합창단'과 함께 창단하면서 단원을 뽑는 오디션 장이었다. 당시에 우리나라에서는 처음으로 두성으로 발성을 하는 '서울소년합창단'이 1960년에 발족되었다.
한국의 비엔나 소년합창단으로 클라식 곡을 위주로 연주를 하였고 코리위붕겐을 계명으로 부르는 공부도 하며 발성법 등 제법 전문적인 음악교육을 받았다. 변성되는 중1 정도까지 다녔는데 그 즈음에 윤석중 선생님의 새싹합창단과 합치면서 혼성어린이 합창단으로 변하였다. 당시에는 KBS 방송국의 어린이 합창단은 이미 있었는데 아마 한국 합창계가 본격적으로 싹트는 계기가 아니었나 생각된다. 1년 뒤에는 장수철 선생님이 '선명회 합창단'을 고아들로 구성하여 아름다운 합창을 하게 되었다.
우리 멤버 중에 음악을 전공한 친구들이 있는데 이영두 현재 미국 연세, 숭실고 OB합창단 지휘자, 유봉헌은 서울 음대 성악과를 갔는데 그 뒤로 영락교회 성가대 지휘자로도 활약을 했었고, 방송계에서 유명한 임성훈 MC는 당시 귀엽고 작은 아이로 당시 이름은 종상이었던 걸로 기억나며, 서울 중 고등 동창인 오인영, 목원대 음대 교수로 있었던 친구 등이 있었다. 어려서부터 이렇게 노래를 하는 환경에서 자랐고, 게다가 누나 중 세째인 김이자는 서울 음대 성악과에 다녔고 나중에 동아콩클 제2회 성악부 일등을 하는 등 음악에 관련된 집안 내력도 있는 것 같다. 따라서 중학교에 다니면서 자연히 최동욱씨의 '3시의 다이얼' 그리고 미군 방송 등 음악을 거의 밤낮으로 들으면서 지냈다.
비틀즈의 Eight days a Week, 데뷰곡인 I wanna hold your hand 등으로 내가 접하였던 종교음악, 바로크 음악과는 전혀 다른 그룹사운드의 매력에 빠지게 되면서 비틀즈의 팬이기도 하였기에 그들의 모든 노래는 거의 다 애창을 하고 젊었을 때의 낭만을 즐기는데 일조를 하며 나의 인성의 한 구석에 자리 잡았다.
죤 레논의 피살 소식은 매우 쇼킹하여 그의 천재성을 알던 이들에겐 무척이나 안타까운 사건이었다.그의 죽음 30년을 작년에 맞이하며 사진을 보고 그들의 Hit 곡을 넣어 다시금 기억을 더듬어 보는 기회가 되었다.
내가 비틀즈를 처음 접한 것은 1964-5년으로 기억된다. 초등학교 1학년부터 성가대를 하고 2학년에는 서울중.고등학교 주최 아동콩클대회에서 수상도 하여 재능이 있다고 보았는지 어머니는 4학년에 나를 당시 을지로 2가 중앙극장에서 청계천 방향에 있었던 승동유치원에 데리고 갔다. 가서 보니 '서울소년합창단'을 곽상수 선생님이 미국에서 지휘 공부를 하고 귀국하여 성인으로 된 '성종합창단'과 함께 창단하면서 단원을 뽑는 오디션 장이었다. 당시에 우리나라에서는 처음으로 두성으로 발성을 하는 '서울소년합창단'이 1960년에 발족되었다.
한국의 비엔나 소년합창단으로 클라식 곡을 위주로 연주를 하였고 코리위붕겐을 계명으로 부르는 공부도 하며 발성법 등 제법 전문적인 음악교육을 받았다. 변성되는 중1 정도까지 다녔는데 그 즈음에 윤석중 선생님의 새싹합창단과 합치면서 혼성어린이 합창단으로 변하였다. 당시에는 KBS 방송국의 어린이 합창단은 이미 있었는데 아마 한국 합창계가 본격적으로 싹트는 계기가 아니었나 생각된다. 1년 뒤에는 장수철 선생님이 '선명회 합창단'을 고아들로 구성하여 아름다운 합창을 하게 되었다.
우리 멤버 중에 음악을 전공한 친구들이 있는데 이영두 현재 미국 연세, 숭실고 OB합창단 지휘자, 유봉헌은 서울 음대 성악과를 갔는데 그 뒤로 영락교회 성가대 지휘자로도 활약을 했었고, 방송계에서 유명한 임성훈 MC는 당시 귀엽고 작은 아이로 당시 이름은 종상이었던 걸로 기억나며, 서울 중 고등 동창인 오인영, 목원대 음대 교수로 있었던 친구 등이 있었다. 어려서부터 이렇게 노래를 하는 환경에서 자랐고, 게다가 누나 중 세째인 김이자는 서울 음대 성악과에 다녔고 나중에 동아콩클 제2회 성악부 일등을 하는 등 음악에 관련된 집안 내력도 있는 것 같다. 따라서 중학교에 다니면서 자연히 최동욱씨의 '3시의 다이얼' 그리고 미군 방송 등 음악을 거의 밤낮으로 들으면서 지냈다.
비틀즈의 Eight days a Week, 데뷰곡인 I wanna hold your hand 등으로 내가 접하였던 종교음악, 바로크 음악과는 전혀 다른 그룹사운드의 매력에 빠지게 되면서 비틀즈의 팬이기도 하였기에 그들의 모든 노래는 거의 다 애창을 하고 젊었을 때의 낭만을 즐기는데 일조를 하며 나의 인성의 한 구석에 자리 잡았다.
죤 레논의 피살 소식은 매우 쇼킹하여 그의 천재성을 알던 이들에겐 무척이나 안타까운 사건이었다.그의 죽음 30년을 작년에 맞이하며 사진을 보고 그들의 Hit 곡을 넣어 다시금 기억을 더듬어 보는 기회가 되었다.
Former Beatle John Lennon performs during the One To One concert, a charity to benefit mentally challenged children at New York's Madison Square Garden, Aug. 30, 1972. (AP Photo)
John Lennon performs on stage with his first band the 'Quarry Men' at a church function in Woolton, Merseyside, Great Britain, July 6, 1957. (AP Photo/Str) --- John Lennon spiel Guitarre bei einem Auftritt mit seiner ersten Band, den Quarry Men, auf einem Kirchenfest in Woolton, Merseyside; Grossbitannien am 6. Juli 1957. (AP Photo/Str)
The Beatles, Britain's top rock band, relax in London over tea in 1963. The group from left: John Lennon, Paul McCartney; George Harrison and Ringo Starr. The group is sporting similar thatch haircuts with bangs to the edge of their eyebrows. No other information available with photo. (AP Photo)
The Beatles, from left, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon and Ringo Starr, perform on stage in London, England, Oct. 1, 1963. (AP Photo)
Britain's pop quartet The Beatles arrived almost unnoticed at the Hippodrome, Birmingham, Nov. 10, 1963, dressed as policemen. They are George Harrison, third left, Paul McCartney, John Lennon and Ringo Starr in front. Others in picture are real policemen. (AP Photo)
The Beatles, clockwise from top center, John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, pose with an American flag in a Paris photo studio prior to their first visit to the United States in January 1964. (AP Photo/Copyright Applecorps Ltd. )
Waving a Union Jack, The Beatles, from front to back Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and John Lennon leave a BEA aircraft at the airport in London, England, February 5, 1964, on their arrival from Paris, where they were appearing. The pop group was greeted as usual by screaming fans. (AP Photo)
She loves you
The Beatles arrive at New York's Kennedy Airport Feb. 7, 1964 for their first U.S. appearance. From left are: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison. (AP Photo)
The four members of Britain's young singing group, the Beatles, stand in front of the microphones in the press room of Kennedy International Airport today during press conference following their arrival, February 7, 1964. From left: John Lennon, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney. (AP Photo)
John Lennon and his wife, Cynthia, 24, walk toward their plane with the other members of The Beatles as fans look on at London Airport in London, England, on Feb. 7, 1964. (AP Photo/Victor Boyton)
Ed Sullivan, center, stands with The Beatles during a rehearsal for the British group's first American appearance, on the "Ed Sullivan Show," in New York on Feb. 9, 1964. From left: Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Sullivan, John Lennon and Paul McCartney. The rock 'n' roll band known as "The Fab Four" was seen by 70 million viewers. "Beatlemania" swept the charts with twenty No. 1 hits and more than 100 million records sold. The Beatles broke up in 1970. (AP Photo)
The Beatles are shown with Ed Sullivan on stage Feb. 10, 1964 before their TV performance on his show in New York. (AP Photo)
The Beatles are shown on the set of the "Ed Sullivan Show" in New York, Feb. 10, 1964. In back is John Lennon; the others, from left to right, are: George Harrison, Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney. (AP Photo)
Three of the four Beatles, from left, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and Paul McCartney, walk in Central Park in New York City, Feb. 10, 1964 on their first U.S. tour. (AP Photo)
The Beatles perform at the Coliseum in Washington, D.C., Feb. 12, 1964, during their first American tour. The British band members are, in foreground, Paul McCartney and John Lennon; Ringo Starr on drums; and George Harrison on guitar, far right. (AP Photo)
The Beatles, from left, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, and George Harrison, take a fake blow from Cassius Clay while visiting the heavyweight contender at his training camp in Miami Beach, Fla. on February 18, 1964. (AP Photo)
The British rock and roll group The Beatles are seen during their first U.S. tour in this 1964 file photo. The band members, from left to right, are George Harrison, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney. (AP Photo)
My sweet Lord
The Beatles, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney and John Lennon, have their hair combed by stylists on the set of their first movie production, "A Hard Day's Night," at Twickenham Film Studios in Middlesex, outside London, England, on March 12, 1964. The hair stylists, who have parts in the film, are, from left, Patti Boyd, 19, Tina Williams, 17, Pru Bury, 22, and Susan Whitman, 17. (AP Photo)
John Lennon, member of Britain's pop group The Beatles, shakes hands with contestants in the Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant, Hong Kong, June 8, 1964. (AP Photo)
The Liverpool beat group The Beatles, with John Lennon facing the camera, are pictured at their arrival at the Liverpool Town Hall, Liverpool, England, Friday July 10, 1964, were given a civic reception, before attending the Northern Charity Premiere of their film "A Hard Day's Night". Returning home after an absence of seven months, they were welcomed by a crowd of some 150,000 fans lining the eight-mile route from the airport to the town hall. (AP Photo)
Despite a constant din of screaming teenagers, the Beatles successfully opened their U.S. tour in San Francisco on August 20, 1964. From left to right are Paul McCartney, George Harrison and John Lennon. Ringo Starr cannot be seen. (AP Photo)
With some of their fans in the background, The Beatles board a plane for England at New York Airport, NY, Sept. 21, 1964. From bottom of ladder, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon and George Harrison. (AP Photo)
The Beatles, clockwise from top left, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon, and George Harrison are shown on an album cover in 1965. (AP Photo/Robert Freeman-Copyright Apple Corps Ltd.)
Beatle John Lennon is shown in this 1965 photo at an unknown location. (AP Photo)
Beatles John Lennon continues to play the guitar as he evades a young fan who wants Lennon's yachting-style cap as a souvenir during the Beatles concert in Rome, Italy, June 28, 1965. (AP Photo)
British rock and roll singer John Lennon of the Beatles arrives in an armored car before a concert in Houston, Tex., on Aug. 19, 1965. Screaming fans surrounded the group from the moment their plane arrived in Houston for radio station KILT's "Back to School Show" at Sam Houston Coliseum. (AP Photo/Ferd Kaufman)
The Beatles pose together before their performance in a TV studio in London, England, in 1966. (AP Photo)
John Lennon, one of the members of the Beatles is shown as a state trooper aids him through a crowd of newsmen at Logan International Airport in Boston, Aug. 11, 1966 as he and other members transferred planes after a flight from London. The Beatles were en route to Chicago where they would start their third tour of American cities. It was Lennon who was quoted as saying the group is more popular than Jesus, setting off a ban by numerous U.S. radio stations on playing their records. (AP Photo)
Rock and roll singers for the group The Beatles John Lennon, right, and Paul McCartney, holding the hand of Julian Lennon, walk with actress Jane Ashre across the tarmac following their arrival in Athens, Greece on July 22, 1967. The woman in the background is unidentified. (AP Photo)
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, considered as the "spiritual father" of the Beatles sits amidst George Harrison, left and John Lennon, during the UNICEF gala at the Palais du Chaillot in Paris, December 15, 1967. (AP Photo)
Beatles members John Lennon and Paul McCartney sing their harmonizing vocal lines in the Abbey Road Studios in London, England, February 11, 1968, during a recording session. (AP Photo)
Beatles John Lennon, center, and Paul McCartney, arrive at the London Pavillion cinema on July 17, 1968 for the premiere of their new animation film "Yellow Submarine." At left is Japanese film producer Yoko Ono. (AP Photo)
Linda McCartney's photo of John Lennon, left, and Paul McCartney taken during the photo session for the cover of the Abbey Road album in 1969. The photo was part of the Linda McCartney photography exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum which ran through Aug. 8, 1999 in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Linda McCartney)
Beatle John Lennon, right, and Yoko Ono are shown circa 1969 at an unknown location. (AP Photo)
Beatle John Lennon waves his marriage certificate as his bride, Japanese artist Yoko Ono, stands at his side after their wedding at the Rock of Gibraltar on March 20, 1969. They are about to board a chartered jet to Paris where they will honeymoon. (AP Photo)
Beatle John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, right, hold a bed-in for peace in room 902, the presidential suite at the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam on March 25, 1969. The newlyweds, holding solitary tulips, begin a seven-day Love-In to protest against war. (AP Photo)
John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono share an Eskimo kiss (rubbing noses) during an interview in London, Feb. 9, 1970. Both had their hair shorn in Denmark to be auctioned off in London. The proceeds went go to the Black Power organization in Britain. (AP Photo/Bob Dear)
John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono speak to news media on their arrival at New York's Kennedy Airport, June 1, 1971. The trip to New York is part of a bid by the Lennons to gain custody of Yoko's seven year old daughter Kyoko. (AP Photo/Ron Frehm)
A photo of John Lennon which was part of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame exhibit John Lennon: The New York City Years. (PRNewsFoto/Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Annex)
Former Beatle John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono sing during a demonstration by about 500 in front of British Overseas Airways Corp. offices on Fifth Avenue in New York, Feb. 5, 1972. Demonstrators called for the withdrawal of British troops from Northern Ireland. (AP Photo/Ron Frehm)
The Beatles She Loves You 1963
Former Beatle John Lennon, left, and his wife Yoko Ono, leave the Immigration and Naturalization Service, at 20 West Broadway, March 16, 1972, New York. (AP Photo/Anthony Camerano)
I feel fine
Former Beatle John Lennon performs during a charity concert to benefit mentally challenged children at Madison Square Garden, Aug. 30, 1972, New York. (AP Photo/Dave Pickoff)
John Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, arrive at The Hit Factory, a recording studio in New York City on Aug. 22, 1980. (AP Photo/Steve Sands)
This photo provided by Swann Auction Galleries shows John Lennon and Yoko Ono in December 1980 on the last day of Lennon's life. An original copy of the photograph, taken by Annie Liebovitz for Rolling Stone magazine, was auctioned on Oct. 19, 2010 in New York. (AP Photo/Swann Auction Galleries, Annie Liebovitz)
All you need is love
Strawberry fields forever
Police examine entrance alcove to the Dakota Apartment Building in New York, Monday, Dec. 8, 1980 after John Lennon was shot and killed as he returned home to the building. Bullet holes can be seen in the glass in the door. (AP Photo/Handschuh)
Yoko Ono, center, is aided by a policeman and David Geffen, right, of Geffen Records as she leaves Roosevelt Hospital in New York late Monday night, Dec. 8, 1980 after the death of her husband John Lennon. Lennon was shot outside his apartment in New York after returning from the recording studio. (AP Photo/Lyndon Fox)
Come together
A crowd gathers at the scene in front of the Dakota apartments in New York City, where John Lennon was shot and killed, Dec. 8, 1980. (AP Photo/David Handschuh)
A Beatles' fan sits outside John Lennon's apartment house in New York, Dec. 9, 1980, the night after Lennon was murdered as he entered the building. (AP Photo/Ray Stubblebine)
Anchorwoman Jane Pauley of NBC's "Today" show, left, breaks down in tears at the end of a half-hour memorial tribute to musician John Lennon, Dec. 9, 1980, as Tom Brokaw looks on. Lennon was shot and killed the night before outside his apartment building. (AP Photo/Roberto Borea)
A crowd gathers on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, Dec. 10, 1980 for a vigil for John Lennon, who was slain in New York Monday night. (AP Photo/Charles Tasnadi)
An unidentified man adjusts one of the wreaths that cover the wrought iron front gate to the Dakota apartment building where John Lennon lived until he was murdered as he entered. Fans continued to hold an impromptu vigil, Dec. 10, 1980. (AP Photo/Lyndon Fox)
People jam the street at Central Park West and 72nd Street in New York, just outside the Dakota apartment house where John Lennon lived, Dec. 14, 1980, after leaving a memorial service held at the bandshell in Central Park, across the street. Lennon was murdered as he entered the building at left on Monday, December 8. Police estimated the crowd at 50,000 to 100,000. (AP Photo/David Bookstaver)
An estimated crowd of 2,000 people gather in front of Trinity Church in Boston, Sunday, Dec. 14, 1980 for a ten minute silent vigil to honor the death of John Lennon. Songs of the former Beatle who was murdered in New York were played over a loud speaker system as the crowd milled around after the service. (AP Photo/Martell)
A woman comforts a man who is crying, Dec. 14, 1980, in Seattle as the two took part in a somber memorial to John Lennon, who was murdered in New York, December 8. (AP Photo/Gary Stewart)
People participating in tribute to the slain musician John Lennon wave the peace sign and sing "Give Peace A Chance" at New York's Central Park, Dec. 14, 1980. An estimated crowd of 50,000 to 100,000 people took part in the vigil. (AP Photo/Carlos Rene Perez)
Scenes during John Lennon tribute in New York's Central Park, Dec. 14, 1980. (AP Photo)
Yoko Ono, widow of John Lennon, buries her face in her hands during ceremonies in New York's Central Park, dedicating a portion of the park as Strawberry Fields after the title of one of the ex-Beatles songs, Wednesday, March 21, 1984, New York. (AP Photo/Rene Perez)
John Lennon of 'The Beatles' is seen here in December 1980. This image was taken just a few days before his assassination. (AP Photo)
This limited editon photograph entitled "Season of Glass", by Yoko Ono, taken in 1981 and printed in 1994, showing John Lennon's blood covered glasses from his assassination, placed on a table with a glass of water, and taken in the couple's Dakota apartment overlooking New York's Central park, was made available in London, Friday April 12, 2002, to be sold by auctioneers Bonhams in London, scheduled for April 17. The photograph, one of six, was expected to fetch between 8,000 and 10,000 Pounds (US$ 11,440 and 14,300) in aid of artists' charity. (AP Photo/Yoko Ono, Bonhams)
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