A Brief History
The first confirmed accounts of whisky distillation are from the early 15th century, when the Irish and Scottish distilled it, calling it “Aqua Vitae” (Water of Life / Lively Water), for medicinal properties.
During the American Revolution, it was used as currency and George Washington even owned a distillery in Mount Vernon. In the Prohibition era (1920-1933), whisky was the only alcohol permitted for consumption with a doctor’s prescription.
The Health Benefits of Whiskey:
1. Memory Boost: Whisky contains antioxidants that help improve the health of the brain, additionally, alcohol boosts blood circulation, both of which contribute to your memory. In addition, the Ethanol in whisky helps your neurons function properly, which also aids with memory.
3. Fight Weight Gain: Compared to its counterparts, whisky is a low-calorie alcohol, free of fat and cholesterol. If you’re on a diet but still want a drink – it’s your best choice.
술의 종류는 양조주와 증류주로
대표적인 양조주는 와인, 막걸리 맥주
증류주로는 브랜디, 보드카, 위스키 등이다.
당이 함유 된 양조주의 경우 체지방으로 축절 될 위험이 높지만,
도수가 높은 증류주는 알코올 성분이 체내에서 쉽게 열로 바뀌면서
저장되지 않기 때문에
다이어트에 도움이 된다.
4. Reduce the Risk of a Stroke: Whisky prevents cholesterol from accumulating in the cardiovascular system and can help remove excess cholesterol from the body. It also relaxes the walls of the arteries, reducing the risk of obstruction. All of these factors help reduce the risk of stroke considerably.
5. Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Whisky contains an antioxidant called ‘ellagic acid’, an acid that stops DNA from coming in contact with cancer-causing compounds, such as nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.. It is also said to help protect the body from damage during chemotherapy.
6. Helps with Digestion: For centuries, whisky was considered a digestive aid, drunk after a heavy meal. Whisky's composition and high alcohol percentage also makes it an effective appetite suppressant.
7. Live Longer: The antioxidants in whisky help fight free radicals – the number one cause of aging, as well as prevent various diseases. This double-whammy helps your body live a longer, healthier life.
8. Diabetic-Friendly: Containing zero carbs, it won’t affect blood sugar levels, making it the number one choice for diabetics.
9. Improve Your Heart's Health: Drinking whisky actually helps your heart stay healthy, similarly to red wine. It reduces the risk of blood clots, thus it can prevent strokes and heart attacks. The antioxidants in the whisky also inhibits the oxidation of low density lipoprotein - a main factor in heart disease.
10. Improve the Health of Your Brain: A 2003 study found that, thanks to the antioxidant qualities of the ellagic acid, moderate consumption of whisky reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as improve cognitive functions. Basically, one drink a day will keep the doctor away.
11. Prevent & Treat Cold and Flu: Whisky is known for its positive effects towards allergies and colds. It’s an effective cough syrup for people suffering from an itchy throat, and the alcohol helps kill bacteria in the throat. The best results are achieved by adding a little bit of whisky to a cup of hot water and lemon.
스카치 위스키의 본고장 스코틀랜드에서는 아직도 민간요법으로 위스키를 이용해
핫 토디라는 차를 만들어 감기와 폐렴 예방을 위해 남녀노소 모두가 마십니다!
2015년 4월 29일 수요일
위스키의 11가지 건강상 유익: Health Benefits of Whisky
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