
2013년 9월 4일 수요일

18가지 골반 통증 원인: What causes Pelvic Pain?

Transparent View Of The Pelvic Area

Menstrual Cramps
Every month, the uterus builds up a lining of tissue called the endometrium, where an embryo can implant and grow. If you don't get pregnant, the lining breaks down and leaves the body as your menstrual period. Menstrual cramps can occur when the uterus contracts to help push out this blood. The cramps are usually felt in the lower belly or back and last one to three days. A heating pad and over-the-counter pain relievers may help

Illustration Of An Ectopic Pregnancy

Ectopic Pregnancy

This is a life-threatening emergency that requires immediate treatment. It happens when an embryo implants and begins growing somewhere outside of the uterus, usually the fallopian tube. The symptoms include sharp pelvic pain or cramps (particularly on one side), vaginal bleeding, nausea, and dizziness. Urgent medical attention is needed.

Illustration Of PID

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

One of the most serious complications of STDs is pelvic inflammatory disease or PID. This infection can cause permanent damage to the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes (seen here, swollen and red). In fact, it's the leading preventable cause of infertility in women. Symptoms include belly pain, fever, abnormal vaginal discharge, and pain during sex or urination. PID is treated with antibiotics, and in severe cases, surgery.

Two Large Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian Cysts

A follicle houses the maturing egg during the menstrual cycle and releases the egg when you ovulate. Occasionally, a follicle doesn't open to release the egg or recloses after releasing the egg and swells with fluid, forming an ovarian cyst. This is usually harmless and goes away on its own. But large cysts may cause pelvic pain, weight gain, and frequent urination. Ovarian cysts can be identified with a pelvic exam or ultrasound.

Fibroid Tumors Of The Uterus

Uterine Fibroids

Fibroids grow in the wall of the uterus and are sometimes called fibroid tumors, but they are not cancerous. Fibroids are common in women in their 30s and 40s and usually cause no problems. However, some women may experience pressure in the belly, low back pain, heavy periods, painful sex, or trouble getting pregnant. Talk with your doctor about treatments to shrink or remove problematic fibroids.

Illustration Of Endometriosis


In some women, endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. Growths may form on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder, intestines, and other parts of the body. When it's time for your period, these clumps break down, but  the tissue has no way to leave the body. While this is rarely dangerous, it can cause pain and produce scar tissue that may make it tough to get pregnant. There are treatments for endometriosis, but there is no cure.

Illustration of UTI

Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection (UTI) begins when germs get into the urinary tract. A UTI can cause problems anywhere from the urethra to the bladder and up through the ureters all the way to the kidneys.  Symptoms include pressure in the lower pelvis, painful urination, and a frequent urge to urinate. The infection usually isn't serious if it is treated promptly. But when it spreads to the kidneys, it can cause permanent damage. Signs of a kidney infection include fever, nausea, vomiting, and pain in one side of the lower back.

Cutaway Image Of Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are globs of salt and minerals that deposit in the urine. They can be as tiny as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. As the stones move from your kidney to your bladder, they can trigger sudden, excruciating pain in the belly or pelvic area. Your urine may turn pink or red from blood. Check with your doctor if you think you have kidney stones. Most will pass out of your system on their own, but some require treatment.

Illustration Of Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial Cystitis (IC)

Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic pain condition related to inflammation of the bladder. The cause is unknown. People with severe IC may need to urinate multiple times an hour. Other symptoms include pressure above the pubic area, painful urination, and pain during sex. The condition is most common in women in their 30s and 40s. Although there is no cure, there are ways to ease the symptoms.

SEM Image Of Gonorrhea

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Pelvic pain is a warning sign for some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs.) Two of the most common are chlamydia and gonorrhea (shown here through a microscope); they often occur together. They don't always cause symptoms, but when they do, they may trigger pelvic pain, painful urination, bleeding between periods, and abnormal vaginal discharge. It's important to seek treatment to prevent serious complications and avoid infecting your partner.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Many women will have some type of pelvic organ prolapse as they age. This occurs when an organ, such as the bladder or uterus, drops into a lower position. It usually isn't a serious health problem, but it can be uncomfortable. The most common symptoms are pressure against the vaginal wall, feeling full in the lower belly, discomfort in the groin or lower back, and painful sex. Treatment options range from special exercises to surgery.

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Varicose veins commonly occur in the legs (seen here in the upper thigh), and they can sometimes develop in the pelvis. Blood backs up in the pelvic veins, causing them to become swollen and painful. This is known as pelvic congestion syndrome. The pain tends to be worse when you sit or stand. Lying down may provide relief. There are minimally invasive procedures to treat pelvic congestion syndrome.

Surgery In The Abdomen

Scar Tissue

If you've had surgery in the pelvic or lower abdominal region, such as an appendectomy or a C-section, or infection in the area, you could have ongoing pain from scar tissue. Adhesions are a type of internal scar tissue that forms between organs or structures that are not meant to be connected. Abdominal adhesions can cause pain and other problems, depending on their location. In some cases, adhesions must be surgically removed.

Woman At OBGYN Office


Vulvodynia is chronic vulvar pain that has no known cause. The pain affects the area around the opening of the vagina.  It can be constant or recurring and is often described as a burning, stinging or throbbing sensation. Riding a bike or having sex may make the pain worse. It is not caused by an infection. And a diagnosis of vulvodynia is made only after ruling out other causes of vulvar pain. Treatment options range from medication to physical therapy.

Pelvic Pain During Sex

Pain During Sex

Pain during sex (dyspareunia) can be caused by many of the conditions we've discussed, most of which are treatable. Other reasons for painful sex are vaginal infections or insufficient lubrication. Sometimes there is no medical explanation for pain during sex. In those cases, sexual therapy may be beneficial. This type of therapy can help resolve inner conflicts about sex or past abuse.

Woman Getting A Sonagram

Chronic Pelvic Pain

Chronic pelvic pain occurs below your belly button and lasts at least 6 months. It may be severe enough to interfere with your sleep, career, or relationships. The first step toward getting your life back is seeing your doctor for a diagnosis. Most of the conditions we've discussed respond well to treatment. Sometimes, even after a lot of testing, the cause of pelvic pain remains a mystery. But your doctor can still help you find ways to feel better.


# 자상한 남편의 성격에 반해 이른 나이에 결혼한 양모(30․女)씨는 초등학교 5학년 아들이 있는 학부형이다. 문제는 남편과의 관계. 내성적이면서 예민한 남편은 마음에 들지 않으면 사소한 말다툼에도 집을 나가 버린다. 최근에는 아들마저도 사춘기가 되면서 그녀의 속을 상하게 할 때가 많았다고. 몇 년 전부터 아랫배가 심하게 아프고, 극심한 생리통에 시달리던 양씨는 최근 통증이 심해져 개인 산부인과를 방문했다가 만성골반통이 의심된다며 전문센터를 방문해보라는 말을 들었다. 전문센터에서 진단을 받은 끝에 그녀를 괴롭힌 만성골반통의 원인이 자궁내막증과 자궁선근증이었던 것으로 판명됐다. 양씨는 수술과 호르몬 치료, 면역요법 치료를 받은 뒤 몇 년 째 그녀를 괴롭히던 통증이 많이 좋아졌다. 

◆ “허구헌날 아프냐?” 가족들의 이해부족으로 우울증까지 만성골반통은 뚜렷한 질환이 없이 6개월 이상 지속되는 비규칙적인 골반내 통증을 말한다. 산부인과 외래환자의 10~20%를 차지할 정도로 유병율이 높은 편이지만 일반 병의원에서 검사를 해 보면 뚜렷한 병인이나 질환이 없는 경우가 많아 오랜 시간동안 통증에 시달리곤 한다. 통증의 양상도 다양하다. 배꼽 아래 복부에 묵직한 둔통이 있거나, 꼬리뼈나 양쪽 허리가 아플 때도 많다. 또 골반통 환자의 약 90%에서 요통이 나타나며 배뇨 시 통증이 나타날 때도 있다.  

증상이 모호하다보니 환자들은 만성골반통으로 진단받기까지 시간이 오래 걸린다. 산부인과는 물론 내과, 정형외과, 통증클리닉, 재활의학과 등등 이곳저곳을 전전긍긍하느라 시간과 돈을 날리고 병은 병대로 키우는 것이다. 이러다보니 대부분의 여성들이 진통제나 항생제 등을 복용하면서 오랜 시간을 참고 견딘다. 통증 발생이후 50% 이상의 여성들이 2년 후에야 만성골반통센터를 방문한다는 통계도 있다. 

문제는 만성골반통이 단순히 통증으로 끝나지 않고 부부갈등과 가족 내 불화 등을 가져온 다는 것. 대부분의 남편이나 가족들은 이런 고통을 이해하기 못하고 아내나 엄마에게 “또 아프냐”며 귀찮아하거나 구박을 하는 경우가 허다하다. 만성적인 통증 때문에 몸은 힘들고, 가족 내에서도 이해받지 못하다 보니 주부들은 이로 인해 우울증을 겪을 때도 많다. 

◆ 심리적, 정신적 접근으로 환자의 마음까지 이해해야 치료 가능 무엇보다도 만성골반통은 원인질환을 찾는 것이 중요하다. 가장 흔한 것은 부인과 질환. 자궁내막증, 수술 후유증에 의한 골반 내 유착증, 자궁선근증, 난소 잔류증후군, 골반울혈증후군(정맥 판막의 이상으로 자궁 및 난소주변부에 울혈을 일으켜 통증을 야기하는 증상) 등이 대표적인 질환이다. 

정신적인 원인도 살펴봐야 한다. 우리 몸은 스트레스를 겪게 되면 자궁이 비정상적인 수축을 하게 돼 자궁 내 혈액이 정체되어 울혈 상태가 되거나, 생리혈이 골반강이나 자궁근육층으로 역류해 만성통증을 일으킨다. 한 연구에 따르면 실제로 70%가량의 환자에게서 우울증이 있는 것으로 나타났는데, 그 원인으로는 ‘남편과의 문제(52.9%)가 가장 많았고 다음으로 어려운 가정 경제(23.5%), 시댁과의 갈등(20.6%) 등이 차지했다. 만성골반통을 진단하고 치료하기 위해서 의사와 환자간의 진솔한 대화가 중요한 이유다. 

* 만성골반통 자가진단 해보세요 □ 요통이 골반통과 더불어 6개월 이상 지속된다. 
□ 여러 차례 골반염 치료를 받은 적이 있다. 
□ 성교통이나 성교 후 통증이 심하다. 
□ 복강경검사에서 아무런 병리소견을 발견하지 못 한다. 
□ 복부 불편감이나 과민성대장증후군(설사.복통.변비 동반) 등 위장관계 증상이 동반된다. 
□ 빈뇨 특히 급박뇨, 소변 시 통증과 같은 비뇨기계 증상이 함께 온다. 
□ 삼십대 전후로 출산 경험이 있거나 다산부. 
□ 특히 생리 전에 악화되며, 생리 시에 통증이 줄어든다. 
□ 비정상적인 자궁출혈 등 월경 이상이 있다. 
□ 냉대하(특히 맑은 점액질양상)가 있다. 
□ 두통. 만성 피로감. 불면증 등 신경계통 증상이 동반 된다. 
□ 우울증이나 불안증이 있고, 성격이 예민하다. 
□ 골반통으로 자궁적출술 또는 양측 난소난관제거술 후에도 증상 호전이 없다. 
□ 자궁내막증, 자궁선근증이 의심되는 병력 또는 진단을 받았다. 
□ 난관결찰술 등 수술력이 있다. 

※하복부(배꼽 이하 복부)와 골반 부위에 6개월 이상 지속 또는 간헐적으로 통증이 있으며,  내진. 초음파 검사상병변이 발견되지 않으면서 위와 같은 증상이 3개 이상 동반된 경우 만성골반통이 의심되며 7개 이상은 반드시 전문의의 진료가 필요한 경우이다. 

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