
2017년 4월 27일 목요일

최고의 히트곡들이 많았던 1967년: A Year in Music: 1967

1967 saw many key events that the world has never forgotten. On January 12, Dr. James Bedford became the first person to be cryonically frozen, that he might be resuscitated when one day the technology allows it. The 6 day war between Israel and her Arab neighbors began on June 5th. And on December 3rd the first ever heart transplant was performed. Do you remember what you were doing in 1967? If you are not sure, listening to the following 24 popular music hits is sure to jog your memory!

 1967년은 고등학교 3학년을 보내고 있었다. 어릴 적부터 성가대를 하고 탈랜트도 가지고 있는 터에 중학교 들어 가서는 비틀즈의 선풍이 불면서 1962년인가 잘 기억이 안 나지만 동아방송의 작고한 DJ 최동욱씨의 3시의 다이얼이라는 프로그람에서 세계 유명한 팝송을 들려 주고 있었다. 

공부 하면서도 라디오를 들으며 심취하였던 주옥 같은 노래들은 지금 들어도 이제는 클래식이 되었지만 멜로디에 화음에 그리고 젊음을 노래하는 리듬이 좋아서인지 큰 딸은 나 이상의 60년 70년대 팝송 매니아이다.

당시의 전 세계의 틴에이저들의 마음을 사로 잡은 가수와 구릅들이 너무 많았다. 비정상적일 정도로 마음에 드는 팝송을 좋아 해서 아마 1970년 중반까지의 빌보드 차트 1위의 음악들은 거의 다 알고 있다.

마침 1967년이 유독 유명한 곡들이 많다고 해서 수록한다.

1. Brown Eyed Girl: Van Morrison

2. White Shadow of Pale: Procol Harum

3. Light My Fire: The Doors

4. Respect: Aretha Franklin

5. A Day in Life: Beathles

6. Sunshine of your Love: Cream

7. Waterloo Sunset: Klinks

8. White Rabbit: Jefferson Airplane

9. A Natural Woman: Aretha Franklin

10. Purple Haze: Jimmy Hendrix

11. Soul Man: Sam and Dave

12. Somebody to Love: Jefferson Airplane

13. Night in White Satin: The Moody Blues

14. The Letter: Box Tops

15. My Back Pages: The Byrds

16. Time Has Come Today: The Chambers Brothers

17. Dance to the Music: Sly and the Family Stone

18. Tears of A Clown: Smoky Robinson and Miracles

19. Higher and Higher: Jackie Wilson

20. At the Dark End of the Street: Jimmy Carr

21. I Second of Emotion: Smoky Robinson and Miracles

22. You Keep Me Hanging On: Vanilla Fudge

23. Let's Spend the Night Together: Rolling Stones

24. The End: The Doors

2017년 4월 16일 일요일

부활절에 한 나의 신앙 간증

둘루스 엘벧엘1공동체의 김상경 집사입니다. 얼마 목사님으로부터 간증을 하면 좋겠다는 말씀을 듣고 거절하지 못하곤 이렇다 간증거리가 없는 난감한 처지에 빠졌습니다.

이북이 고향인 부모님 중 어머니 집안에서 일찍이 주님을 영접하여 저는 모태 신앙으로 성장했습니다. 막내로 태어난 저는 온 가문의 사랑을 받고 자랐습니다. 어머니는 말씀과 기도로 저를 양육하였는데 어렸을 적에 추운 겨울 어두운 새벽에 어머니를 따라서 새벽예배를 다니던 기억이 있습니다.

저와 집사람은 어렸을 때부터 성가대에서 같이 찬양하며 자랐습니다. 제 아내도 목사님 가정에서 자라나 저희는 비슷한 환경과 신앙의 울타리에서 성장하며 결혼하게 되었습니다.

교회에 잘 다니고 성가대도 열심히 하며 부모에 순종하고 학교에서도 모범생으로 지내면서 언젠가부터 저는 스스로 선하다고 생각하는 바리새인이 되었습니다. 마음 한 구석에는 교만과 독선 그리고 영적 무지가 있어 무엇이든 제 생각과 계획대로 하면서도 바른 길을 간다고 믿었습니다. 그런데도 학교 집안 직장 등 부족함 없는 생활을 하였던 것은 전적으로 부모님의 기도 덕분이고 하나님의 은혜였습니다.

30여년 전 뜻하지 않게 미국 이민의 길이 주어졌습니다. 젊은 나이지만 안정된 직장에서 인정도 받으며 장래가 분명히 보장되는데 모든 것을 버리고 미국행을 결정하기란 쉽지 않았습니다. 주위 친지들의 반대에도 불구하고 미국에 가서도 별 어려움 없이 잘 살리라 생각하고 이민 길에 올랐습니다.

미국에서의 신앙생활은 한국과 많이 달랐습니다. 처음 다녔던 작은 교회에서는 성가대 지휘도 하면서 처음으로 교회의 중심에서 일을 하게 되었고 봉사와 섬김을 통하여 주를 만나면서 영적으로도 성장을 하게 되었습니다.

이민자의 삶이 다 그렇듯, 희로애락이 교차하는 세파를 헤쳐 나가면서 저의 우둔함과 무거운 죄를 깨닫게 되었고 하나님 중심의 삶을 조금씩 알게 되었습니다. 한국에서의 안락한 삶을 뒤로 하고 미국에서 광야 생활을 하게 하신 주의 뜻은 교만하고 허물 투성이인 저를 주가 쓰실 그릇으로 빚어 가기 위한 것임을 깨달았습니다.

25년 동안 섬기던 LA 교회에서 안수집사로 봉사하다가 한국으로 출장이 많아지면서 맡겨진 일을 성실히 못하고 있다는 핑계로10여년 전에 은퇴를 했습니다. 주의 일을 안 하니까 그렇게 편하고 좋을 수가 없었습니다. 그동안 열심히 그리고 성실하게 봉사하였으니 쉴 자격이 있다고 생각했습니다.

5년 전 이곳 연합장로교회에 와서도 시온성가대 외에는 어떤 봉사도 하지 않은 채 지냈습니다. 평생 찬양대원으로는 봉사하고 있으니 그것으로 충분하다고 생각하고 주님의 부름을 외면하고 있었습니다. 한번 맛 본 안락함에서 헤어나기 란 정말 어려웠습니다. “내일 하면 되지라는 그럴듯한 유혹에 푹 빠져 버렸습니다. 한편으론 이렇게 놀고 있으면 안 되는데 하면서도 헌신할 마음이 생기지 않았습니다.

작년 초 교회 근처로 이사 올 때 저의 내외는 수요 성가대도 하기로 작정 했습니다. 매 주 수요일 찬양과 예배를 보면서 새로운 은혜의 강물에 젖어 들게 되었습니다. 집으로 돌아 갈 때마다 저희는 성령의 은혜에 취해 기쁨과 감사가 흘러 넘쳤습니다.

어느 날 저는 성령님의 인도하심에 순종하여 드디어 깊숙히 묻어 두었던 한 달란트를 꺼냈습니다. 오래 참으시며 꾸짖지 않으시고 은혜로 품어 주시는 하나님의 변함 없는 사랑에 감사의 눈물을 흘렸습니다. 탕자 같은 저는 올 해부터 행복대학에서 봉사하라는 명령을 받았습니다.

쓰임 받은 첫 날의 감회는 가슴 벅차 오르는 기쁨이었습니다. 요나 같이 주님의 말씀을 듣지 않고 피해 있었던 저는 힘겹게 지고 있었던 짐을 벗어 버리고 진정한 자유를 누리게 되었습니다. 대신 성령께서는 제 마음을 감사와 기쁨으로 채우셨습니다.

이제는 매 토요일을 기다리고 준비하면서 하나님의 인도하심을 구하고 있습니다. 60을 넘은 나이에 더 이상 제멋대로 주님의 뜻을 저버리지 않고 제 십자가를 지고 무익한 종의 소임을 감당하려고 합니다.

부활의 산 소망이 되신 주의 놀라운 사랑과 대속의 은혜가 긴 잠에서 깨어나 새로운 각오로 주의 일을 꿈꾸는 저에게는 너무나도 큰 힘이고 기쁨의 근원입니다. 주여 제 잔이 넘치나이다.

죽기까지 주님만을 찬양 하리다.                        
2017 4 16일 부활의 아침                                  김상경 집사

2017년 4월 7일 금요일

25가지 레몬 껍질 사용처: 25 Fantastic DIY Uses for Lemon Peels

We've already published a brilliant article about the uses of orange peels, so it would only make sense to do a follow-up about lemon peels. In fact, we could hardly believe it, but if anything lemon peels are even more useful than orange peels! What's that? You want to see the evidence and decide for yourself? Okay, here are 25 zesty reasons that you shouldn't throw away those lemon peels:

1. Make an All-Purpose Cleaner
You can use lemon peels and vinegar to make a great and natural all-purpose cleaner. Do this by filling a container with lemon peels. Add vinegar until the peels are covered and seal with a tight-fitting lid. Put the container away and forget about it for two weeks. After two weeks, strain the lemon peels from the vinegar and add water to the lemon vinegar. This mixture will clean the greasiest and dirtiest spots around the house and you'll never have to buy an all-purpose cleaner again!

2. Skin Lightener or Brightener
Lemon is a natural skin lightener because it contains citric acid which is actually a bleaching agent. Apply the leftover lemon peels to your hands, face, or wherever else you would like to lighten the skin and tighten the pores.

3. Garbage Disposal Deodorizer
In order to get rid of poor smells coming from the garbage disposal, toss a few lemon or orange peels down the drain. Remove the fruit before doing this because the citrus juices could come splashing back at your face!

4. Simmering Stove-Top Scents
Add some lemon peels or rinds to a pot of simmering water, cloves, cinnamon sticks, and orange peels for a natural deodorizer and air humidifier. 

5. Coffee Cup Stain Remover
Have a favorite coffee cup that is stained at the bottom? Put a small section of lemon peel into the mug and add water. Let the cup sit for several hours and then wipe it clean with a cloth. The stains should completely disappear!

6. Keep Your Refrigerator Fresh
Cut a lemon in half and place it in the fridge to absorb smells. This time, you should leave the fruit and peel together so that the moisture of the fruit can absorb the odor.

7. Microwave Cleaner
If your microwave is giving off a foul smell, add lemon rinds to a microwave-safe bowl and fill the bowl with water half-way. Cook in the microwave on high for 5 minutes, allowing the water to boil and the steam to condense inside the microwave. Carefully remove the bowl and wipe away the mess in the microwave with a damp towel.

8. Chrome Polish
To cut through mineral deposits on chrome faucets and other tarnished chrome, rub it with a squeezed lemon half, then rinse and buff with a soft cloth. For this cleaning method, the lemon should remain with the fruit inside.

9. Copper, Brass, and Stainless Steel Polish
To brighten copper, brass, or stainless steel, dip half of a lemon in salt and rub it on the affected area. Leave the lemon on for 5 minutes, rinse with warm water, and polish dry.

10. Brown Sugar Keeper
To keep brown sugar moist and ready to use, add some lemon peel (with the pulp removed) to the brown sugar.

11. Get Rid of Ants in the Kitchen
Scatter small slices of lemon peels around the kitchen to get rid of ants. Make sure you place them at the thresholds, windowsills, around door entrances and near any cracks where ants may be entering. Ants do not like the smell of lemon and will not enter your home. They can also be effective protection against larger insects like roaches and fleas.

12. Lemon Zest
Lemon zest is great to add to marinades, salads, baked goods, and lots of other dishes. To zest a lemon, simply grate the peel with a zester or the smallest grater you have. You can use the zest when it's fresh, or dry it out on paper towel and store it in a jar.
13. Lemon Twists
Use a vegetable peeler or a knife to cut long strips of the lemon, while removing the white pitch part of the peel that's bitter. Prepare on the spot or save them for cocktails or lemon water later in the freezer.

14. Lemon Extract Powder
Using the zest or twists above, dry them skin-side down on a plate for about 3 to 4 days. Put the dried peels into a blender or a spice grinder and pulverize them into powder. You can use this powder instead of lemon extract or zest in recipes.

15. Lemon Sugar
Once you've made the lemon extract powder, you can also add it to sugar, or make fresh twists and place them in a jar of sugar to ferment and infuse the sugar.

16. Cutting Board Refresher
If you want to refresh your cutting board, rub the surface with a lemon after washing. Let the lemon sit for a few minutes and then rinse. The antibacterial properties of the lemon will remove the germs lurking on your cutting board.

17. Lemon Pepper
Mix the lemon extract powder with freshly cracked pepper for an interesting taste.

18. Candied Lemon Peel
Deliciously Sweet candied lemon peels can be eaten plain, dipped in chocolate or used in baked goods. The peel or twist is candied by placing it or cooking it in sugar.

19. Lemon Sugar Scrub
Mix 1/2 cup granulated sugar with finely chopped lemon peel and add enough olive oil to make a paste. Wet your body in the shower, turn off the water and massage the sugar rinse all over your skin. Then rinse off with warm water and feel the softness!

20. Tea Kettle / Coffee Pot Cleaner
If you have mineral deposits in your tea kettle or coffee pot, fill the kettle with water and add a handful of thin lemon peel slices. Bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat and let the mixture sit for an hour. Drain the mixture and rinse well. For a coffee pot, add ice, salt, and lemon rinds to the empty pot, swish and swirl for a minute or two, then dump and rinse the mixture.

21. Nail Whitener
Whiten your fingernails by rubbing them with a lemon wedge.

22. Motion Sickness Cure
Suck a slice of lemon to prevent you from feeling nauseous.

23. Grater Cleaners
Clean out old or hard to reach spots in your grater by rubbing the pulp side of a cut lemon over the grater.

24. Fire-Starters 
You can make natural and cheap fire-starters for those camping nights by baking discarded lemon or orange peels until they darken.

25. Trash Can Deodorizer 
Put a few lemon peels in the bottom of the trash can from time to time to keep your garbage from stinking up the house.

2017년 4월 2일 일요일

모네의 아름다운 그림들: Claude Monet's Paintings

Impressionism emerged in France in the middle of the 19th century with Claude Monet one of the chief pioneers of this revolutionary art movement. Monet painted some of the world's greatest Impressionism masterpieces and his work has been very well received by critics and people alike. Below are 10 of his most well-known paintings.

1. Le Bain (1869)
La Grenouillère was a popular middle-class boating and bathing resort. In 1869, Monet wrote "I do have a dream, a painting, the baths of La Grenouillère, for which I have made some bad sketches, but it is only a dream." The painting above and the one that can be found in the London National Gallery are more than likely one of the sketches with the original tableau having been lost. Renoir, who was close friends with Monet at the time, also wanted to do this painting.

2. Woman with a Parasol (1875)
This is one of his earlier works which depicts his first wife Camille Doncieux with their elder son Jean. Camille is holding a parasol, and it seems that she has caught someone looking at her. This painting is early evidence of Monet focusing more on light and color instead of line and shape.

3. Camille or The Woman in the Green Dress (1866)
This is the painting that brought recognition to Monet. It earned Monet 800 francs, which was a huge amount for a struggling artist at that time. Once again, it features his first wife Camille Doncieux in a green dress. This painting is actually from the early period of Monet's career when he painted in realist style as opposed to Impressionist.

4. San Giorgio at Dusk (1908-1912)
Monet didn't intend to paint anything when he took a visit to Venice in 1908 as it had already been painted by so many other artists.
However, during his stay, he was entranced by the sights in the city and he couldn't help but start painting. He began a series of preliminary works which he completed much later when he finally returned home. Among those was this painting, which is also known as Venice at Dusk and which became one of his most popular pieces. It is noted for its thin, light brushstrokes, and masterful depiction of light and the movement of water.

5. Poplar Series (1891)

This famous series is made up of 24 paintings of magnificent trees along the banks of the Epte River, a few kilometers upstream from Monet's home. A floating painting studio was tied in place, and he reached there by using a small boat. However, before he had the chance to finish, the town wanted to sell the trees, so in order to continue, Monet bought the trees and sold them on after he had finished painting.

6. Houses of Parliament Series (1900-1905)

During his stays in London in the above time period, Monet painted this series whose subject is the Palace of Westminster, home of the British Parliament. All the 19 paintings in the series are the same size and depict the same scene from the same viewpoint - but they show a variety of weather conditions and times of the day. One of the paintings from the series fetched a whopping 20 million dollars at auction in 2004.

7. Haystack Series (1890-1891)

Among Monet's most notable works, the Haystacks series primarily refers to 25 paintings that were created in the above mentioned period. The subjects, as the name of the series suggests, are haystacks in the fields near Monet's home in Giverny, France. This series is famous for repeating the same scene in order to emphasize differences in perception of light across various times of days, seasons and weather.

8. Rouen Cathedral Series (1892-1893)
This well-known series captures the facade of Rouen Cathedral in France at different times of the day and year, showcasing its changes with varying light conditions. While studying these paintings, it has been noted that Monet broke with painting tradition by cropping the subject so that only a portion of the facade can be seen on the canvas.
Painting this series was a difficult task for Monet. He wrote, "Things don't advance very steadily, primarily because each day I discover something I hadn't seen the day before...In the end, I'm trying to do the impossible."

9. Impression, Sunrise (1872)
This painting is famous for giving a name to the Impressionist movement and it has now become a quintessential symbol of the movement. To begin with, it was not well taken by critics and the term Impressionist was coined in satirical fashion by Louis Leroy in which he went to the extent of saying: "Wallpaper in its embryonic state is more finished than that seascape." However, the Impressionist movement became so popular that it spread to music and literature as well.
The subject of this painting is the harbor of Le Havre in France. It's noted for its very loose brushstrokes that suggest rather than define it. Monet uses color as the main way to capture the very essence of the scene.

10. Water Lilies (Nympheas) (1896-1926)

The dazzling complexity of color and light used in this series of paintings, opens our eyes to the incredible diversity of nature and to the depth and mystery of the life it sustains. An amazing thing about these pieces of art is that Monet's eyesight was badly deteriorating due to cataract when he painted most of these masterpieces.