
2017년 12월 7일 목요일

절묘한 순간 표착 사진들: Perfetly-timed Pictures

Even if you're not the best photographer out there, sometimes everything in the universe seems to be aligned in your favor, and all you have to do is to press the shutter-release button to capture the perfect photo. Below, you'll find 20 incredible perfectly-timed photos, some of which are outrageously hilarious. Enjoy!
1. How to steal the sun...

2. Angels come in many guises.

3. What being a substitute teacher feels like...

4. Doesn't she look simply fabulous?

5. Lining up 14 wind turbines for one incredible shot!

6. Whoever said cats are lazy has never met this buff lad!

7. Oops!

8. What do you mean her feet are too big?!

9. Those are slippers... Duh!

10. What makes you think my dad's a Native American?

11. Standing in the right place at the right time...

12. Perfect timing!

13. Do you think he knew what he was standing behind?

14. I'm not sure if I should be amazed or terrified!

15. That looks like it hurt!

16. This could have ended very badly...

17. When one enormous glass of beer simply isn't enough...

18. What on Earth has happened here?

19. Can you feel the love?

20. Run! The Ostrich Queen has returned!

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